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Everything was fun.

No parents to tell me what to do, going to every store without paying, singing on the sidewalk without having people to judge, running around the roads as fast as I can—jumping from car to car without getting in trouble, breaking into people's house—adventuring the places that we dangerous to go alone, walking alone in the nighttime without having to worry about a rapist, getting mugged, or kidnapped—swinging on the swings looking at the sky for those beautiful white and shining stars while feeling the breeze on my face while my hair flowed with the wind. Playing music that I had downloaded on my phone and playing it as loud as possible through my phone. Everything was fun, right?

No, no, it wasn't. What the hell happen? How did this even all happen? Where did everyone go? Where are my parents? Where is everyone? I knew soon the food that was in stores was going to expire quickly and rot. What if I no longer had food or worse water? What if I ran out of water? The electricity will not last long, with no signal or wifi, what was the use of a phone? What if I get hurt or injured? Who will aid my wounds? Not so fun now, huh? Walking around the neighborhood, knowing I was alone with having no one to talk to, missing my friends I used to hang out with and do stupid stuff in school. My teachers are all gone, no more lectures or scolding for chewing on gum or getting in trouble for dress codes, none of that fun stuff. Just loneliness... To think being alone was fun. I really must be the last person on earth.

Or so 

I thought.

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