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We went back to my house to pack the stuff we were going to bring to the base. I packed all the journals and diaries my parents wrote just in case if I got bored and wanted to be like them in the future, I had a head start. I heard a knock. Steve smiled down on me and closed the door behind him.

"So what do you have there?"

"Just diaries and journals of my parents' observations and information about their jobs." I smiled and shoved them in my bookbag.

"Oh wow, were they scientists?" He asked.

"Yeah, my mom was a technician, and my dad was a zoologist." I beamed. He gave me a weak smile.

"You miss them, don't you?" 

"Yeah... Hopefully, I can see them again." 

"You guys done packing?" We heard a knock. Bucky.

"Yup, we are! Head outside first," Steve yelled out. "Alright, you think you can keep a secret?" He frowned at me, making me tilt my head. 







"What took you guys so long?" Peter asked.

"Oh, I was finishing packing my parents' journals and stuff." I smiled at him. Peter looked at Steve, not fully trusting what I said.

"Alright, if we wanna head there early, we have to move now. Oh, and be careful there are still bandits out there trying to kill the innocent trying to find a certain someone."

"Oh, who?"

"We still don't know who it is, just know they have a lot of anger towards him," Bucky said.

"Him?" I asked.

"Never mind that; come on, let's go. Bucky, try not to spill too much." Steve warned. I inspected their clothing; they seemed cooler and better than ours. Dressed in all black looked a bit heavy, combat boots, a knife, and a gun on each of their sides. Some sort of combat gear, "These gears we get them from the facility." He smiled at me, " You guys will have time to meet the others; we just have to get you two safe first before anything else." I nodded while Peter looked at the ground. "So what are you guys 12 or something?" Steve laughed, 

"No, 17," I said.

"How about you, kid?"


"Ah, I see already grown up, huh well we might need someone like you so how about joining us?"

"Join you guys?"

"We find people or kill people that need to be killed," Bucky commented. I looked at Peter.

"I don't know I have someone I have to protect already," 

"You're committed. I like that, well it was worth a try." 

We have been walking around for hours; it was soon going to get dark; my hands were cold. I couldn't even feel them. My nose was running a bit, and Teacup had to be carried into my sweater because of how small and fragile she was. I saw Bucky nudge at Steve. Steve looked back at us and nodded.

"Alright, let's find a place to camp then, at least for the night." I nodded, and I felt Peter's warm hand entwined with mine. I looked around at a neighbor I didn't recognize. I guess we are starting to leave home now. "Alright, we are going to break into a house; no big deal Bucky; you have the crowbar?" He nodded and pulled it out of his bookbag.  "Alright guys, find a room and get comfy; if you guys hungry, come to us; we have some MREs. I looked at him; confused, Peter pulled me towards a room with twin beds. The room seemed messy, clothes scattered around, makeup everyone on their desk and a small table. I looked around to see a picture frame. I grabbed it and inspected two twins smiling and throwing a peace sign. I placed it down and put Teacup on the floor, and she sniffed around the room, wagging her small tail.

"Are you hungry?" Peter asked.

"Just a little." We headed out to the living room and saw Bucky and Steven sitting on the floor with some weird brownish package.

"Here, heads up!" Steven threw 2 of them towards us, making Peter catch them, passing me one, "Y/n come here so I can show you how to use one Bucky teach the kid too." I sat next to Steve, and he helped me open my little package. I started pulling out different kinds of packets.

"That's a flameless ration heater; it heats your food; just add water up to the line and fold it, then let the magic happen. Here let me help." He filled the water up to the line and placed a bag inside, "Lucky you! You got spaghetti with beef and sauce." As he put it on the floor, he opened his meal and dumped it all on the floor. Some skittles dropped, making me surprised. "Hmm, Chicken, Egg Noodles, and Vegetables, in Sauce, Applesauce with Raspberry Puree, Crackers, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Apple, Skittles, Tropical Punch Beverage Powder, Carbo-Fortified. Y/n how about we trade?" 

"Trade what?"

"Give me your grape jelly, and I'll give you my skittles." 

"That doesn't seem too fair." I grabbed my jelly and looked at it. It was snatched from my hands, and some skittles were placed into my hands.

"Thank you!" He grinned, "Oh, careful, that's going to get really hot. Don't worry; the only thing coming out of that plastic bag is smoke. Nothing serious." I nodded and watched as the bag boiled, "Hey, what did you guys get?" Steve asked.

"The usual," Bucky replied.

"Some chicken chunks." Peter ate.

"Ahh, that menu."  Steve grabbed my plastic heater and took out my meal. He opened it and placed a spoon and passed it to me, "Eat up; it's pretty hot, be careful." I nodded and gently grabbed it from his hands. It felt nice to feel something warm on my hands. Teacup ran towards us and started whimpering for food. Peter shared some of his food with Teacup, "You know I kinda knew your dad." Steve commented.


"Yup, we didn't really talk much, and when we did, he would either talk about your or his job." He laughed, which made me smile, "Suprised, you guys are still alive. I thought you were long gone; we were losing hope."

"Mr. Stark, what was he really like?" Peter asked.

"Ugh, don't even get me started on that man; he is very cocky, brilliant he was actually the one who started this whole facility with the help of our other friends. He contacted me as soon as he found you actually he wanted you to be safe, but he didn't give any details or hints to help out, so we practically had to travel almost the whole world. One last message from him is what brought me here." He smiled, "He was usually very laid back as well, really stubborn at times, and ugh annoying, really annoying." I chuckled, "He was a good man; there is nothing that I would change from him; I really miss him." He frowned, making the whole atmosphere sad now. We continue to eat quietly after that entire talk. 

"Do you want some skittles?" I offered Steve.

"No, you can eat them. Thank you." He gave a warm smile.

"You guys want some skittles?" I asked Peter and Bucky. Both of them shaking their heads. I frowned, feeling bad I couldn't cheer them up. 

"Pass me some!" Steve snatched the skittles and poured some in his hands, making me smile, "The red ones are the best ones." 

I nodded, agreeing as we ate skittles together.

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