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We have been walking for about two weeks now; the weather seemed to get worse by the day. 

"Are we almost there?" Peter asked. He looked agitated.

"We will get there when we get there." Bucky barked.

"Hey, guys, come on-" 

"We have been walking hours now without a break this time! We get it! You're used to this whole trip thing, but Y/n isn't; she literally looks like she is about to pass out any damn second!" 

"I'm okay-"

"Y/n we are not getting nowhere if you get sick and die!" Peter yelled.

"Alright, Kid, calm down." Steve pulled Peter away from me, making Peter shrugged him off. 

"Come on, let's keep walking." Bucky signaled forwards with his head. I nodded and hugged Teacup closer; I don't think she was going to make it... My legs felt numb; I this point, I couldn't feel my own body. I knew I was walking, but I felt like I was stepping on to nothing with each step I took. "Are you okay?" Bucky asked. "Yeah, I can't feel my legs, though."

"Y/n." I turned around to see Peter jogging towards me and pulling me away from Bucky, "Come on, we are heading our route." I tried shaking him off.

"What do you mean, we are almost there, Peter!" He held on to my arm tightly.

"They are liars; they don't even know where we are going." I then felt myself fall back.

"You can't take her." Bucky pulled me back, almost stumbling on my two feet,

"Let go of her!" Peter yelled. 

"Peter," we all turned to Steve, "We need Y/n to come with us those our strict orders; we don't have to take you along that's just a favor, and I will gladly drop it." He looked serious.

"I'm not letting you guys take her away-" Peter stood there again. He is sensing something, "We have to hide. We have to hide!" 

"What are you talking about-" 3 black vehicles were heard coming towards us. 

"Bucky, take care of Y/n!" Steve yelled out. He grabbed my hand, and we begin running away from the cars; we ran towards some woods. I held on to Teacup close so she won't fall off as we ran.

"Bandits..." Bucky mumbled.

"What about Steve and Peter?"

"Steve will protect him. My task right now is to keep you safe." He hid me behind a tree as he kept taking out weapons. He took out a rifle from his book bag and a knife, "Stay here and don't move!" He warned, "Stay low." He left before I can even respond. Not again. I sat on the floor and felt my pants get soaked. I tried to sit on my legs when I heard shouting.

"Find the damn girl. I don't care if she is alive or dead, although I would like her alive!" A heard an intense and raspy voice say. I wasn't sure if it was the cold or the fear that kept me trembling, but I felt that it was getting worse by the second.

"When we find her, do we get her back with the hostage?"

"Yup, we will make sure to make her pay." They can't be talking about me? I didn't do anything wrong! I heard Teacup whimper and trembled, making me more anxious.

"Sh, do you hear that?" I tried keeping Teacup quiet, "Follow the noise." I kept petting Teacup, hoping it would calm her down. I heard twigs break and snow crunch getting closer and closer. A gunshot was fired, making me yelp.

"Sniper!" A man yelled out, hearing another gunshot.

"You bastard! Take cover, find that Avenger bastard!" Their footsteps were slowly fading. I looked up at the trees, and at the far end, I spotted Bucky on top of a tree. You could barely see him from far, but I managed to catch his weapon. I felt a bit calm but not entirely.

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