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I woke up feeling the sunlight hit my face. I covered myself with the blanket, not wanting to leave out of my warm spot groaning, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to open them at least. After a few stretches and complaints from myself, I decide to head to the washroom and wash my face. The water was running just very cold, after finishing brushing my teeth and washing my face I went to use the bathroom. Good thing it flushes... Grabbing my black bookbag, I grabbed my comb and brushed my tangled hair. After a few struggles here and there, I decide to leave it be, not really caring about my hair. I folded my blanket and placed it on my bookbag and pulled out a granola bar. I headed out on the front to see if there was any food scattered anywhere. 

I kept heading straight to 48 St, looking at the houses almost falling apart well, at least some of them. I hummed along the way, hoping someone or something will hear me but sadly, it was only the birds flying around and some butterflies there. Going through a bridge, I saw a small grocery store. I sped walked towards there and opened the door. Empty. I frowned, looking at all the rotten and spoiled fruits; oh yeah, it's been a year. I kept looking around, hoping to find can foods. The only thing I found was dog food; debating if I should take it, I immediately grabbed it and placed them in my bookbag; I will find a companion!

Leaving out the store disappointed, I headed to Brooklyn Queens. Feeling the wind hit my face, I breathe in that fresh hair I looked to my left to see some sort of red wall separating me from the other side for sure another road or something. I kept humming to keep myself busy as if walking wasn't enough. Walking through this colossal road, it read 43 St. I shrugged it off and turned to the right, heading to 43 St. Surprisingly, there were no cars around, not a single one; the road was empty, just me and myself. I passed a doctor's office and a law group, whatever that was. No medicine, sadly. Speaking of treatment, I felt my nose run and a sudden chill down my spine. That rain did not do good to me. I was continuing my adventure to find at least food or a companion.

Stopping my a huge apartment by 43 St, I looked at how familiar this apartment looked just didn't really seem to remember it. I shrugged it off and hummed my favorite song while skipping through a restaurant and a liquor store. I spotted a pet store and stopped in front of it. Medicine and supplies, huh. I tried opening the door to find it locked. I sighed and grabbed the bat from my bookbag. I swung as hard as I could, shattering the glass. That was very loud. I looked around to hope someone would peak out or cuss me out. No one... I headed inside to find supplies. I grab a comb and a bowl for it—more food and toys. After going pet shopping, I decided to adventure out more, hoping to find more food and supplies for the dog I don't have.

This place was a big waste of time. Everything was mostly empty, and the more I thought about it, I seemed to get more frustrated, gaining a pounce on my head. I relaxed before I got more stress, and adding that to my cold will not help. As I walked around, I heard a twig break. I looked down at my shoes to see nothing but the road. I quickly looked around to see if I spotted someone. I gulped, feeling a little scared. It would be dumb enough to scream hello like from the movies I didn't want to be that person. Not wanting to find out who, I decided to speed walk. I felt my body weaken from all that running. I wasn't a fit person; I could barely climb one set of stairs without complaining. I stopped by some park, although it was fenced.

"Pst!" I turned around to see a middle-aged man. He was very far in the end, and that's where I wanted him. "You're just like me, huh?" This man gave terrible vibes. I saw a gun tucked in his pants, making my breath hitched. "Where are you from? I can tell you're not from here." I didn't reply, not fully trusting him.  "Come on, sweetheart, I won't harm ya." I felt that he kept getting closer. 

"Can you stay where you are, please?" My voice shook, feeling weird. I spoke out to someone.

"Aww, come on, I won't hurt you; I have other people that would like to meet you." He smiled. I kept stepping back every time he took a step closer.

"Um, no, thank you. I should head back." I saw him slowly reach towards his gun, feeling myself tremble. "Well, I'm just going to go..." As he was distracted, I took my chances and ran away from him. I didn't know where I was going to for sure now I just wanted to go home. I heard a gun shot-making me freeze. I hid in an alley behind a garbage can. I covered my mouth, trying to slow down my heavy breath. At this point, I was terrified; I started trembling more, not knowing where he was at or what intentions he had. Who are these people he mentions? Are they the reason why there are no more humans in our world? There were no blood or bodies anywhere? Did they hide the bodies after killing them? A million questions were coming through my head. Everything was quiet; I decided to peek out to see if I was able to run towards that direction—no one to the left good. I looked to the right.

"Found you!" I screamed so loud and had to cover my mouth. I squirmed and kicked, trying to get him off me, but nothing seemed to work. He then placed the gun to my head, making me freeze. Tears were coming down my eyes feeling myself whimper and wail. "Why are you crying? I don't want to hurt you, just trying to have fun with someone; you know how long I have waited for this moment." I felt his breath hit my face. "Damn, you shouldn't have followed that flyer; how stupid could you be?" He gave a wicked laugh. "I waited months for this; you're not the only girl this has happened to." I would only look at him in disbelief, 

"Don't worry about them; after I'm done with them, I end up killing them anyway. Let's have fun now, shall we."

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