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I laid down in his bed, waiting for him. Something about a surprise? I sat up as I watched Peter on his computer. "I'll be right back." I smiled and looked at all the movies he had downloaded; most of these were my favorite, and some were his, I'm guessing. I chose my favorite movie and watched it as it loads.  "Here, Y/n! Tada!" Behind his back, he showed two ice cream cups. He passed me my favorite flavor while I gently held on to it. "It's still your favorite flavor, right?" I nodded. "Where did you get these?" 

"Oh, just had them for a while." He smiled, "Did you choose a movie?" I nodded and showed him the screen, "Yes, my favorite!" He beamed. We leaned onto the wall; he had the laptop in the middle between his leg and mind, I ate my ice-cream happily, and we continue watching the movie. As we finished watching about four movies, Peter pulled out some Uno cards, and halfway through the game, I was getting frustrated.

"Pft, what's wrong Y/n come on, it's a yellow or a 2; you have most of the deck on." he mocked.

"You're cheating." 

"No, I'm not." He smiled; having no choice, I grabbed another card finally have a yellow card. Peter puts down one.

"Uno!" he yelled out. 

"You're definitely cheating."

"No, it's called strategy, and you fell for my trap." He grinned. I put a red card with the same number that yellow had.

"Oof. I guess," he was reaching towards the deck, giving me hope. "I win." He puts down a red card.

"What how!" 

"I guess it was my lucky game. Now I'm giving you 30 seconds to run and hide." He gave off an innocent smile, making me shiver. Not wasting any time, I dropped the cards and ran off the room, making Teacup follow after me. Ack, where do I hide?

"15, 16," He said out loud, making me panic. I hid inside a closet and saw that Teacup was outside wagging her tail. I opened it again and snatched her before she can expose me. 

"28, 29, 30!" I heard him walk around the apartment, hoping he wouldn't find me. Of course, he will this place is small! I passed by the closet heading to the bathroom. I didn't know if to make a run for it or stay where I was. I decide to play it safe and wait. 

"Where are you, Y/n?" He asked sweetly, "I know you hate when people tickle you." I felt him grinned. I shivered at the thought of not being able to breathe for laughing way too much. The closet door was suddenly opened, making me scream and Teacup bark.

"FOUND YOU!" He gently tackled me to the ground and startled tickling him. I was laughing too hard and wheezing, not being able to tell him to stop. He suddenly stopped and laughed with me. I stood there looking at him laugh; his eyes closed, his face full of pure happiness; his laughter died down as he started looking at me. My face turned red in our sudden position, but it looked like Peter didn't mind. He kept leaning closer to my face making me alarm. I closed my eyes and felt his lips on my forehead. I open then; as he pulled away, he sat me up and hugged me.

"I'll protect you with my life. You're the most precious thing in this world; you have always been. Just don't forget about me, okay?" I gave a slow nod, "We will get out of here with Teacup where we can live peacefully just you and me. You're not alone anymore because you have me, and as long as I am here, I'm not letting anything bad happen to you." he hugged me tighter. "Just don't leave me, please." His voice cracked. I pulled away and crossed my heart. I smiled at him, and he did the same thing. He crossed his heart, and he pulled in for another hug, "Heh, you're really warm." He snuggled closer. I put my head on his shoulder, feeling a lot more protected and assured.

"I will protect you too," I mumbled. He looked at me and gave me a light-hearted laugh.

"Okay, we will protect each other." He leaned again and kissed my forehead. I felt flustered and covered my face with his shoulder. "I'll make you remember." He whispered. 

"Alright, Teacup, here is your food," Peter said, "Y/n, are you hungry?" He called out.

"No, but thank you," I yelled out. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, I'll be right there!" I waited for Peter to enter his room. I sat on top of the bunk bed, feeling bored, "What's up?" I patted the bed, indicating to climb up. He sat down crisscross facing me.

"You- you keep saying that you know me..." He frowned and looked away from me, "What do you mean by that? Not only that, you guessed my name, favorite food, and movies that can't be a coincidence, can it?" He grabbed my hands, but he was shaking; tears were threatening to fall as he gritted his teeth. "I'm sorry, I asked." I squeezed his hands.

"You were in an accident when you were 15." He whispered. "We were dating back then, but since that stupid drunk driver hit your side of the car, it made you hit your head." Tears came down slowly. I stood there, shocked. "We were childhood friends, and you just happen to move to Brooklyn at the age of 13. Yeah, we were in a different school, but I would always make May drive me to your house, or you would ask you, mom, for a ride. I asked you to be my girlfriend when we were 15, heh, I still remember that day like it was yesterday." He whimpered. "But sadly, you didn't remember May or me. You only recognized your parents. I tried getting you to remember, but you only seemed to ignore my texts and calls, acting as if I was a stranger; it still hurts to see that you don't remember, but I'm just glad you're here and spending time with me." He wiped his face with his hand.

"I'm sorry." he looked up, shocked.

"Don't apologize," he chuckled, "I'm just glad you're now even talking to me. You weren't much of a talker back then, so you haven't changed. I'm glad you're still the same Y/n. Can I hug you?" I smiled and held out my arms; he didn't hesitate and jumped into my arms. "I don't care if you don't feel the same way. I love you, and I will always love you, okay. I will make you fall in love with me all over again." He laughed while I just gave a small giggle.

I knew his apartment seemed familiar. 

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