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I ate my last breakfast. It wasn't enjoyable. I sat alone in the cafeteria with a few people coming in, but they went back out as soon as they saw me. I drank my F/d and cleaned after myself. I walked around the hallway to stumble on a small garden. I open the door and smelled dirt and freshwater. The garden was spacious, indoor garden pretty cool. I sat down on one of the benches and looked at the pretty flowers and fruits. It was quite humid in here, but I didn't mind as much. 

"Hey..." I turned around to look at Bucky; I looked back at the flower, "How are you feeling?" He sat next to me.

"I'm ready, that's all."

"That's not what I asked..."

"Tired... Tired of all the whispering and mumbles every day went, I pass by someone. This is what they want. I might as well please them."

"What makes you happy."

"Nothing. Nothing anymore. All the people around me are scared of me and avoid me. Peter doesn't even talk to me anymore. What is there to live in if you're only going to be judged for something that someone else did? They're scared of me, and I didn't even do anything but exist... I've seen pretty messed up things, watched someone died as if their lives were in my hands, my puppy dying in front of me brutally, people dying only to come to save me from saving billions, my mother dying. For sure, my dad is already dead; I don't really know when someone is genuine anymore, or they just wanna save the world anymore..."

"If we are being honest, I did only come to save you to save billions..." Ouch, "But I got to meet you more, and it's sad because you're just a kid, 17 still haven't fully experienced life. You're really quiet, which I like. Sorry, this is all happening to you."

"Don't apologize; I guess things were just made like this, or my dad decided how I was going to live my life."

"What time?"


"You know..."

"Tonight, I still got a few hours left."

"Have you told Peter?" I shook my head.

"I feel like he is avoiding me; I tried knocking at his door and no response. Heck, I even had to ask his friends, but they didn't respond and ignored me. It's okay. I rather leave without feeling anyone's guilt on my shoulders. Well, I'm going to the room in the meantime. I might as well draw one last time or pray for Teacup." I got up and walked out of the room. Entering the room, I pulled out some paper and started sketching Peter. I decided to leave a note on the back of it when I finished it. I also did one for Steve and Bucky. 






1 hour left. I ate my final meal; it tasted good, actually. I walked to Peter's room again and knocked. No response.

"Peter, can we talk? It's really urgent." 

"Go away, Y/n..." I heard Peter on the other side.

"I just- I need to tell you something." An upset Peter opened the door. Tears were going down his face; he looked mad.

"Y/n. I'm not trying to put my anger out on you, so can you please leave me alone!" I swallowed a lump, never seeing like this.

"I just really have to tell you something," I looked at the floor. Voice cracking

"I'm sure it can wait." He groaned.

"But... It has to be no-"

"Y/n! I really don't want to talk! I'm so frickin stressed right now! Can you believe they made me choose between you or them! What kind of friends are they? I don't care if your dad was the one who caused this if you came here to tell me that! Can you just leave me alone!" He closed his door in my face.

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