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The brown-haired was asleep on the couch, a blanket covering his body. I left a sticky note on the fridge, hoping he would just leave me be and mind his business. I quietly walked towards the door, unlocking it. It clicked, and I looked back to see no sign of movement. Good. I opened the door and felt the cool breeze hit my face and my arms. I shivered a bit but continue to open the door wider. I slowly closed the door and began my way home. 

The roads were quiet than usual I remembered some of the roads leaving me tracing back to where I was ago before to the grocery store. I stopped as I heard a whine and a whimper. The grocery store it's coming from there. I stepped closer to the store.

"Y/n!" I was startled and turned around to see him jogging towards me with a flashlight. I covered my eyes as he shined it towards my eyes. "I didn't really think you would leave. Are you dense or something? I told you it's dangerous out there!" He grabbed my arm tightly, making me step back in fear. "I-I'm sorry I didn't me-" The same whines and whimpers interrupted him. I shook him off and went inside the grocery store, hearing his voice fade. When I stepped inside, it didn't smell delightful. It reeked of iron. I followed the whines, which lead to a closet. I slowly opened it and what appeared was a small white fluffy dog. It wagged its tail and began sniffing my shoes. I crouched down and giggled as I picked it up and started licking me. I opened the door fully to reveal blood. I fell on my back, and I began shivering; there were three puppies' heads smashed to the floor, blood flowing, and pieces of brain scattered around the room; paws looked like they were cut off as well as their tails. I wanted to throw up; who would do such a thing! A hand closed the door, and I looked up at hazel eyes. 

"People can be cruel, but at least you found this one." He smiled weakly. He held me up while I carried the white puppy in my hands. He held my hand as we went back to his apartment; the puppy seemed to be exhausted as it fell asleep in my arm right as we started walking. "You shouldn't be out this late at night. Who knows who would be out there, especially with them out probably coming to find their boss." I felt him squeeze my hand. 

"I'm sorry..." I squeezed his hand back. He stopped and looked at me. 

"It's okay! Just stay close to my side, okay! I promise I will take you home as soon as the bad guys die down." he beamed. I nodded, and he began leading the way again. "What are you planning to name it?" He indicated at the puppy.

"I'm not sure yet," I stood quiet, "Do you have a name for it?"

"Hmm, it's really white and fluffy, just like snow, but then again, I don't want to be too basic." He swung our hands back and forth. "Teacup is their breed might seem basic, but I like Teacup; what about you?" He looked back at me. I smiled and nodded. "Good, now that we have a name, we shou-" He stopped walking and stood still, scaring me a bit.

"What's wrong?" I whispered. 

"We gotta get home quick." He picked up the pace and held my hand tightly, "Something bad is going to happen; I can sense it." We were close to the apartment; he unlocked the door and placed me inside.

"Wait, where are you going?" I grabbed his arm. "I'll be fine here; take the key and head to the apartment. Please don't move from there." He handed me a key. "But where are you going?" My voice shook. "Don't worry about me. Stay there for me, okay. I'll come back, but first, I need to make sure you're safe; now hurry, lock the door, and if someone knocks, don't open the door. I have a spare key with me." I hesitated, but his warm smile told me he was going to be okay. I let go of his arm and watched as he closed the door and locked it. He waved goodbye and waited for me to head upstairs. I held Teacup and headed upstairs, looking behind me every 2 seconds until finally, he wasn't there at the door. 

I locked the door as he said, grabbed my bat, and hid in his room just in case I had Teacup with me; of course, I soon realized it was a girl, so I left her sleeping in Peter's bed waiting for him. I had this massive anxiety on me now, and I seemed paranoid every 4 seconds. I felt like I kept hearing knocks or screaming, but I heard nothing every time I stood quiet for minutes. I looked around the window for anything suspicious or anything out of the ordinary. I sighed and sat back down. My hands were shaking, and I felt myself trembled teeth chattering. I don't know if I was too nervous or scared, but I did what I was told and stay in the apartment. I wasn't much of a fighter, so maybe that's why I was scared because I knew I couldn't defend myself even if I tried. I couldn't run, I couldn't fight, I couldn't keep my emotions in place, I cry over anything, I felt really useless. I snap out of my thoughts as I heard a knock. I froze in my spot, and I saw Teacup wake up from her nap. 

Oh, no, no, no! Please no. I didn't bother going out to check on the peephole; it's not like I could. I was frozen in place, trembling like crazy. Suddenly knocking was heard towards his room.

The door was slowly opening and what I saw first was a gun in hand. 

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