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I walked around the aisle looking for more water and can foods. I gathered some water bottles and slipped them inside my black bookbag. I held in my tears and frustration, getting tired of the same old routine. Collect food and water, head back to my apartment, eat, lead to the balcony, look at the sky, and watch the birds fly free. Free? What am I exactly? Can you call this free when there is no one to tell you what to do or boss you around? Am I precisely free? I sighed and hanged my bookbag around my shoulder, deciding to look for a bat around the store. I went to the art supplies first to pick up more sketchbooks and coloring pencils. I went to the sports sections and found different types of bats. I decided to go for a maple baseball bat; sadly, I knew nothing about baseball bats but hearing from my friend's baseball players usually go for that bat, not that they are here anyway...

After grabbing the materials I need, I decided to go back to my apartment. It usually took about 15 or 20 minutes on foot to arrive there, just depending on how slow I walked. Holding both of my straps, I began walking home, examing the same building again. Left and right were apartments or alleys for shortcuts. A few clothing stores or corner stores with no electricity looking scary even with the sun out as if something were to come out of the dark. Speed walking through those places, I looked at the fast foods and restaurants craving their food, but sadly I didn't know how to cook, so I've been stuck with junk food and can foods for the past year.

You read that right. It's been a year. Surviving in the winter was the hardest. I'm still lucky enough to have electricity at my apartment; some houses didn't have that, and during the summer, I would turn on the AC, but how long will it last. Not much. I'm still surprised I have not lost my mind talking to the wall or myself, although I read books to keep me entertain or listen to the same songs I have on my phone, getting bored of them. I should find myself a dog if there is one. Should I go out of town and search for other supplies, hell, or even people? I know I can't be the only person in this world; something must have happened that made our society like this, but what? Radios don't exactly work well, so there is no news about that, but what if there are people just like me scavenging and searching for others? I could always come back here anyway when I think I did enough searching, right? 

I quickly ran back to my apartment, feeling a little bubbly inside. I had never thought of leaving town, especially when I didn't know what other dangers could be there now. Heading up to the 7th floor in room 707, I grabbed my keys and unlocked them. I'm still paranoid someone might come and steal my supplies; I'm not sure if I'm the only person on earth after all. I quickly ran inside and put all my food and water away. Placing my sketchbooks and colored pencil on my desk and grabbing a pocket knife, matches, flashlight, and a blanket out of the drawers. After grabbing all the supplies that I needed, I headed out back to the grocery store to pack myself food, and I didn't want to waste the food for storing at home. However, there wasn't much left, hopefully adventuring and scattering will fill up the duffel bag that I brought with me. 

After grabbing some snacks and water on the way, I headed off to Brooklyn-Queens Expressway.

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