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"Quit moving before I put a bullet in your head, but yet again, I wouldn't mind fucking a corpse." He grinned. I felt his hands roam around my body. I shivered every time he got closer to my privates. "Oh, come on, I'm doing you a favor; you will die happy at least. You wouldn't survive alone in this world with us around." He chuckled. 

"Daniel, are you there, Daniel." He pulled out a walkie talkie.

"What I'm busy, I found another one." He smiled at me, petting my hair. I moved away, making him mad.

"Another dead body, sir."

"Ugh, another one, who is it?"

"It's Seth."

"Dammit, my best man. Where did you find it? If you don't quit moving, I will fucking shoot you; hear me!" He yelled.

"Close to Brooklyn, sir. Didn't even make it there." I swallowed my saliva, scared of going back home now.

"Whatever, I'm kinda busy here. I'll report back when I'm done." He smiled down at me. Feeling his hand go down my pants. I squirmed and screamed, although they were silenced by his hand. "God damn, you're feisty turns me on even harder." I tried kicking, not wanting to give up, and I'm not willing to give up. He then grabbed his gun, hitting my head with the back of it. My vision was blurry, but I still kept kicking and screaming for help. No one was coming. He was right; I was alone. 

Suddenly, I saw a sliver glimpse of an object; his hand was no longer tight on my arms, making me break free; he fell to the side, knocked out. I crawled back, hitting a wall. I kept looking at the body, heavy breathing, feeling tears still come down. I hugged myself crying to my knees, not wanting to look at the body anymore. 

"A-are you okay?" I looked up to see a boy, wave brown hair, brownish eyes, carrying a metal bat. I tried crawling back only to realize I was already at the end. "No, no, no, don't worry, I won't hurt you, I swear!" He kept getting closer. "Oh right, sorry you don't know me. Well, I would introduce myself, but I have to fix this mess first." He pointed at the man, making me shiver. "Um, do you think you can step out of the alley and wait for me out there?" I looked at him and slowly nodded, "Do you need help getting up." I shook my head and got myself off the floor, looking at the boy in front of me.

"Yeah, just wait right there! I'll be right behind you!" He smiled at me—a very warm and innocent smile. I took a left turn and walked straight away from the alley. A gunshot was heard, making me freeze. I didn't want to know what happened. I don't think I could've handled it. I felt a sudden urge to vomit. I tried covering my mouth to keep it inside, not wanting to embarrass myself. What am I doing? He could be one of them. For all I care, I should be heading my back. I tried taking a step forward to feel really light-headed. I'm going to throw up. Not being able to keep it in, I empty everything that I had from my stomach, and it wasn't much, to the grass. I coughed and spit. I wanted to keep throwing up, but sadly there was nothing to throw up now. I wiped my mouth with my shirt, feeling really ill now. I tried walking away from here, not fully trusting him.

"Hey, sorry I took long!" He ran towards me; he was a little too bubbly after shooting someone. No blood seems to appear in his hands or clothing. "Are you feeling sick?" His hand was reaching towards me, making me step back. "Oh, right, you don't know me." He frowned. He then smiled and stepped back. "I am Peter Parker!" He put his hand out. I looked at his hand and back at him. We stood there for minutes, and he put his hand down. "May I know you're name?"

I shook my head. "Hmm. How about I guess you're name?" He beamed. I looked at him weirdly. "It looks like it's about to rain; how about we head to my apartment. I promise I won't do anything shady or harm you!" He crossed his heart. Hey, I remember that; I crossed my heart too, "You remembered!" He screamed. He cleared his throat, "I meant about that movie." We stood there, awkwardly; I just wanted to go home at this point. I felt my eyes sting thinking about just going home and living my same old "boring" life I use to say. "Please don't cry. I promise I won't harm you. Um, hey, we could be companions like Han and Chewbacca." he laughed awkwardly.

"Where do you live?" I whispered, hoping he heard me. 

"I'll lead the way. I promise I'll protect you with my life." He gave a warm smile. You don't even know me. Through the walk, he kept geeking about Star Wars. I wasn't too familiar with it, but I listened anyway. "And then he said, 'Luke, I am your father,' that was so crazy! Ned and I were really shocked." He gave a light-hearted laugh.    

"Who is Ned?" 

"Oh wow, I thought you weren't listening," He cleared his throat, "Ned is my best friend. We used to go to Midtown together, but suddenly I wake up to find no one around, just myself. Hopefully, he is out there somewhere, same with my aunt," He smiled weakly., "Anyways, we are here." We were at the apartment I happened to pass by. I looked back at him, "I didn't hear you, hum, don't worry." I looked away, embarrassed. We headed up to the 7th floor, and I was already tired by the time we got there. Oh wow, I knew I was out of shape but not this much. Arriving at his apartment, I felt my breath fasten. "You don't look so good," Peter commented.

Before I could even respond, my vision turned black. 

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