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"How are you so good at drawing!" Peter groaned and stuffed his face on a pillow.

"Practice and patience are key."

"Guide me! How do you draw a rose." 

"I already told you how to like 100 times already!" 

"Well, teach me again." 

"How about we color! I have some coloring books, although some are kids ones." I pulled out a Hello Kitty coloring book and a Toy Story.

"Hello Kitty, pass it, please." I giggled and handed him the book and some colored pencils.

"How about we play Would You Rather as we color! Me and my dad used to play that all the time when my mom was at work."

"Sure. Would you rather be bitten by a spider or snake?"

"Hmm, spider, what would you choose?" I saw him grinned

"Spider to see if I can become Spider-Man!" 

"Pft! Would you rather control animals or humans?"

"Humans. Would you rather be a baby for 24 or be a ghost for two days?"

"I would be a ghost!" I shouted, "Would you rather see your friends happy or your family happy?"

"Oh, that's a tricky one... I would say, family. Would you rather live happy but poor, or live sad but rich?"

"Heh, easy live happy but poor!"

"Look, I'm done with my first page." He showed me his book. "It's getting late; maybe we should head to bed already." I nodded and picked up the coloring books. Peter helped me placed them inside the drawer. Teacup wagged her tail waiting for me to pick her up. We headed to my parents' room since I couldn't sleep without Peter anymore; he crawled to bed, and Teacup immediately went to the end of the bed and got comfortable. "Do you want to head out with me tomorrow?" 

"To look for more food and supplies?"

"Yeah, and maybe that flyer." 

"Sure." I smiled at him.

"Okay, then you should rest so we can have energy in the morning." I nodded and closed my eyes. 





I felt Peter get up from the bed. The wooden floor creaked as he tried to be quiet. I knew he was leaving at midnight to god knows where. Same routine over the past few weeks. He kissed my head then leave for about 2-3 hours; hearing the front door click, I waited for a few moments for assurances. I got up from the bed as well and began looking around my parent's room again. I maybe thought they had some sort of journal or something that would probably know something about this whole mess. I found my dad's journal's but all seemed to be animals' behaviors and how much he loved studying them. I kept looking around for the past few weeks, but nothing seemed to appear. Maybe everything was written on their computer. I kept looking around the journals and diaries... I then heard the door click. He came earlier than expected. I quietly and quickly put everything inside my bookbag that was next to me and climbed into bed. Teacup rose down to greet Peter as always. I covered myself with the blanket, hopefully not getting caught. 

"Are you wearing your scarf Y/n?" Peter asked

"No, I can't find it." I search around my room 

"Found it; get your stuff so we can head out." I grabbed my bookbag and grabbed my bat, placing it inside the water bottler holders. Thingies? Peter helped me with my scarf and passed me my gloves.

"Alright, let's go come on, Teacup." She barked back and ran out, "Where are we going?"

"Okay, first we are going to look for more supplies; we are currently running out of toothpaste, color pencils, more Hello Kitty coloring books, maybe a few Star Wars if we are lucky, Oh Y/n I have  noticed you're almost out of girl supplies, so we need to find you more." Peter pointed out. I felt my cheeks heated when I knew he was talking about pads, "What helps your cramps?"

"Well, I kinda just like your warm hand on my tummy and some f/s." 

"If we are lucky, we can those on these few stores." He beamed. We stopped walking as we heard Teacup barking. We looked in her direction to see no one. 

"Stay here," Peter whispered. He walked around and looked around and shook his head, "I'm not sensing anything dangerous maybe it was a rabbit." Peter picked up Teacup as she stopped barking when she was picked up. As Peter guided us, I felt someone watching us. I kept turning around as I thought that they were following us. We walked into a store as the door was taken down. We found lots of supplies that we needed and some coloring books, "Y/n!!! Star Wars coloring books!" He beamed as he placed them in his bookbag. I grabbed more colored pencils and sketchbooks, "Hm, no flyer..." Peter mumbled.

"It's okay; maybe if we look around somewhere, we can find them." He nodded. We stepped out of the store, feeling the cold breeze. Again I felt like someone was watching us, "Peter." I called out. A fast dark shadow was heading towards me; I felt myself fall.

"Y/N!" I looked at Peter being held by a man with short blonde hair; he looked about mid-30s. I tried moving only to be held on my neck by a strong arm.

"How many times have I told you not to hold women like that." The man sighed.

"You assholes, let Y/n go!" Peter struggled to get out of his grip.

"First of all, language and second of all Bucky let her go and gently put her down." He did as he was told as I sat down on the floor—Teacup barking at them.

"Don't worry; we are not dangerous my friend over here overheard your girlfriend talking about us, so we had to figure out a way to come out nicely."

"What kind of entrance was that?" Peter glared. He let's go of Peter and heads over to me, checking to see if I was hurt.

"Don't worry, he didn't hurt her; um, I'm Steve, by the way." Peter helped me up and hid me behind, not trusting them fully; Steve sighed, "If it makes you feel comfortable or safe, Tony Stark sent me to look for you, and I was sent to look for Y/n." Peter stiffen up.

"Why do you guys want Y/n?" 

"We are not supposed to say, but it's also to bring you guys to our base."

"Wait, you mean-"

"TACF," Bucky said.

"Yup, that's the one, and guess what, you're not the only ones going to be there." He grinned, "Some of our teammates were able to find other people as well. We have good food, warm showers, and warm beds. Everything you can ask for oh and also human interaction." Peter looked at me.

"Mr. Stark, you really know him?"

"He is my best friend." He smiled, "If you are willing to go, just know the trip is long, and we have no vehicle because we would easily get caught, so we will have to make a few stops at abandoned houses to rest up and head back the next day."

"We will go with you but on one condition."

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