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I heard light thunder. I looked up at the sky to see the sky gray, knowing it would rain; I turned to the left to see the beautiful building from the other side while water surrounded us. I looked up at a sign for it to read, Cadman Plaza West; I was about to turn towards that direction until I saw a piece of paper fly towards me. It hit the sound with a smack. Jogging towards it, it seems to be a flyer it read, "Come to Midtown Tun Manhattan, we happen to have the best Sandwiches in Queens!" I turn the paper around. It appeared to be clean, with no sign of dirt anywhere. I didn't think much of it, took the cue, folded the paper, and placed it in pockets. Queens, huh I wonder how far it is and will there be good supplies or even a person there. 

Sadly it started raining when I got towards Tillary St. I had a hunch it was going to be a long way to get to Midtown. I sucked it up and began speed walking. There we no cars to break in and keep me warm, but I like the rain, so it also didn't bother me. I rather walk while it rained than snowed. I shivered as I thought back to last year. I hummed and got up on the jersey barrier balancing myself in the middle of the road. I smiled to myself, feeling a bit more relaxed than I was back at home. Maybe an adventure was all that I needed. 

I was soon getting tired. I didn't know how long I was walking, but to me, it felt like hours when it could've been minutes. An hour has passed, and I was starting to get cold; I felt myself trembled and teeth chatter. I cursed myself for not bringing an umbrella or at least taking a damn bike or a scooter. Walking through a bridge, I decided to stay there and wait for the rain to stop hoping, and to my surprised, it only seemed to rain harder. It would get dark soon, and for sure, I did not want to stay out here in the rain and the street. I hoped this Midtown was very close by; I thought as I ran on the road now.

Walking about 3 hours and 10 minutes, I glimpse at the sign. I quickly open my eyes wide to see if it was true what I was perceiving.

"Midtown Tun Eastern Long is 48 St"

I felt this sudden happiness and excitement. I finally made it! I ran and got a glimpse of another sign reading Queen Bronx. I laughed out loud, feeling accomplished. I passed by a bridge that was holding the road, looking at it in awe. I finally made it! I saw the exit and quickly ran towards it, hoping to find a clothing store to change out of my wet ones. I made it to the street 48 St. many abandoned cars and trucks were turning; I turned to the left and strolled looking at everything around me, a cemetery to my right and houses to the left. Not having a choice, I broke it to the first house that I spotted first; luckily, they left the window open. I crawled inside, landing on my back with a thud; looking around, I spotted an upstairs, which I happily went to investigate.

I went inside a room which was a little girl, looking at the pink walls and lots of teddy bears scattered everywhere on the bed: Barbies and fake makeup on a play table. I searched for another room, which seems to an older teen. He had a lot of punk-rock posters and comics everywhere. I went through his drawer and found some comfy joggers. I quickly took off my jeans and wore dry pants. Thankfully my underwear was dry because I would not like to wear someone else's underwear. I searched for a shirt and found a plain black T-shirt; as I removed my shirt, I felt like a cold breeze hit my skin, sending me goosebumps. 

I walked around the house to see if I can find any food, and sadly there was nothing. I looked out the window, still raining might as well eat something while we wait. I picked up my bookbag and pulled out some chips. It wasn't the healthiest, but it's something that I craved at the moment. Watching as the run died down, it was already dark outside. I had to explore tomorrow morning. Heading to a couch, I grabbed my blanket from my bookbag and got comfortable.

I forgot to check if the doors were locked.

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