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My breath hitched as the door swung open. I was paralyzed for a moment, realizing it was only Peter. "Hey, hey! What's wrong, did I scare you?" He quickly jogged towards me, kneeling hugging my figure. "I'm sorry I just wanted to know if you followed my instructions, don't worry, I'm here; I won't let anything bad happen to you anymore." I hid my face on his shoulder. "You're really warm." A chuckle vibrates through him. I didn't want to let him go. I was tired of being alone. I finally had two companions with me. I don't have to worry too much now I have someone that will help me with my burdens. "How about we head to bed? It's been a long night. I'll wash up you can change into some comfortable and clean clothes on that drawer. I'll be back!" 

I got into some of his comfy clothes, headed to his bed. I watched as he climbed up the bunk bed, tugging himself in. I had Teacup sleep next to me and got closer to her warmth. I felt mentally and physically exhausted; even do I did nothing to help other than cause trouble. I shook my thoughts and decided to let sleep take over. 


Peter made a delicious breakfast; his oven was surprisingly still working. "Here you go, it's your favorite!" It was true he made my f/b and placed the plate on the table. I looked at him, confused, "Lucky guess?" He scratched the back of his head, nervously. I heard a small bark and looked down at Teacup. I grab the bowl from my bookbag and some dog food; since she was little, I added water to her food to soften it for her. She hungrily ate it as I served her water too. I began eating breakfast, and at that moment, I felt like crying. This was too delicious, especially after eating canned for about a year. "Do you like it?" He asked nervously. I smiled and nodded, making him sigh in relief.

"Where did you get the food?" I asked

"Don't worry about it; let's just say that I found it yesterday when I went to scavenge." He gave an innocent smile. I didn't want to make a huge fuse or overthink it, so I left it be, grateful for a fantastic meal. He served himself a plate and sat in front of me. I watched as he ate, and every time he would look at me, I would turn the other way. "What do you wanna do today?" He asked.

"I don't know."

"Hmm, I have a board game we can play, or we can go outside if you like?"

"What will we do outside?"

"We can go scavenger for more food, but if we do, you have to listen to what I say. I don't want you getting hurt or injured, plus we are not fully secure?"

"I guess we can head out. Can I take Teacup?"

"Sure, but first finish eating, then we will get ready; oh, and maybe we can look for more clothing. I don't mind you wearing mine, but  just in case if you want a new size." He covered his mouth as his face went red. I tilted my head in confusion. I looked down on my clothing.

"What?" I asked.

"No, nothing, just keep eating." He said as he got up and picked up his plate.

"But you didn't even eat much," I commented. 

"I'm not hungry." I savored every bite, feeling really happy I even get to taste this.




"You ready to go?" He said as he put his bat on his book bag, and a gun tugged in his pants. I nodded and carried Teacup. I brought my book bag with me along with my bat, hopefully not needing to use it.  Peter locked the apartment door as well as the outside door. He held my hand and guided me everywhere. 

"Why not pick up clothes for yourself? I know a good place; it will just be a bit far. Will you be okay with it?" With a nod, he began pulling me closer towards him. I let Teacup on the road; hopefully, she will use the bathroom or just walk around; she kept close; sometimes, she would go off to smell a tree or just walk in the grass. We arrived at the store Discovery; it was pretty far, but we managed. I looked around to see if I found any good and comfy clothing that would fit my size. I asked Peter to look else whereas I tried on some clothes. I was able to gather some jeans and a comfy oversized t-shirt. I like my shirt baggy it makes me more comfortable with myself, not that there is nothing wrong with my body; it was okay, just a no from me. After taking in some clothes for myself, I sadly couldn't find any bras; the one I had was starting to poke me. 

"You ready Y/n?" He called out.

"Yeah, I'm done where is Teacup."

"She is with me, don't worry." He assured, "Is there anywhere else we should go?" He asked. I shook my head as I headed out the door. Peter following behind, he stopped suddenly again he stood still he looked at me with a severe face. "We have to go home." He didn't let me reply as he quickly grabbed Teacup and handed it to me. He held my hand, and we began speed walking, although it felt like we were running for me.

"Peter, what's wrong? You're scaring me." 

"This was a bad idea, but it's fine; we need to be careful two more minutes." He mumbled, completely ignoring me.


"Sh." He covered my mouth. He did again; he stood there zoned out. "This way." He kept pulling me to god knows where; we hid behind an abandoned building. I felt Teacup begin to whimper, "Stay here." 

"What why? Where are you going?"

"Just sit and wait for me here, okay." 

"I-" Before I can even respond, he left running before pulling his bat out. I slid down through the way, crouching, which caused Teacup to suddenly run off towards his direction, "Teacup come back!" I whispered yelled.  I didn't know whether to stay or go after her. Listen to Peter or save my puppy. Not minutes after, a gunshot was heard, making me jump. I decided to go after Teacup and ran off towards the direction she went on. I was whispering and whistling, hoping for her to at least bark. Not a second later, all I heard was small barks. I ran in her direction. I listened to her short barks through an alley, and that was where I went. I froze when I saw what she was barking at. 

A beaten-up Peter tackled to the ground a pocket knife near his neck, if not already near the skin, a man on top of him. I hated myself right now because all I did was 


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