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"Then we can meet Ned and MJ!" Peter beamed, and he squeezed my hand. I smiled at him but didn't squeeze my hand back. "What's wrong?" He frowned.

"Nothing. I just didn't sleep much last night."

"Why not?" I shrugged, "Hm, wanna talk about it?" I shook my head, "Okay, when you're ready, maybe my Aunt May can get you to talk!" We headed to the cafeteria; when the door open wide, everyone turned towards us. The whispering began. "Oh, look, I see May." Peter pulled me towards a table, but my attention wasn't on her but the people around me. 



"What if."

"She is probably"

"Hey, Aunt May, this is Y/n! Do you remember her?" She smiled turned into a force one. I waved hello, and she gave an awkward smile and looked at Peter.

"Yes, I do remember Y/n." She cleared her throat, "Um, Peter?" She looked at me most unpleasantly.

"Hold that thought, Aunt May. I need to introduce her to MJ and Ned!" Peter dragged me towards another table. The room is getting smaller. 

"Ned, MJ! I want you guys to meet someone." A girl looked up from her book and inspecting me closely, and she went back to her book. Ned turned around and saw a surprised look on his face; he cleared his throat.

"Oh, um, hey?" He mumbled, looking at MJ for help. She shook her head slowly.

"Can we sit with you guys?" Peter smiled. MJ and Ned looked at each other.

"Um, Peter, can we talk to you... Privately," MJ looked at me, making me frown and my heart hurt. I guess we can't be friends... Peter lets go of my hand, and I just stood there in the cafeteria alone. The whispering was getting louder and louder.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked. MJ and Ned looked towards me. I don't fit in society anymore... I exited out of the cafeteria as the whispers then became small talk.

"Yeah, apparently her dad caused all this?"

"Is her being here going to affect us?"

"Don't get near her, okay, Mina."

"If you see her in the hallways, you speed walk."

I covered my ears as tears threaten to fall. I'm not like him. I'm not like him. I promise you I'm not like him. I just wanted to be somewhere safe and free from the outside world. I'm not like him...

I passed through a hallway and watched, and people sped walk or bumped their shoulder onto mine. I walked past Steve and locked myself in my room. 

I should have stayed at home...

A week has passed by, and Peter hasn't talked since that day. I knocked at a door. The door slid open.

"Y/n, what's wrong? Why are you up so late?" Steve yawned.

"I'm ready..."

"What do you-" He looked fully awake now.

"I rather sacrifice myself."

"Y/n." he pulled me inside his room, "Listen to yourself right now. Forget everyone right now. I have heard rumors going around you seem to be pretty famous and not for the right reason. Do you really want to do this? I mean, this is your life we are talking about."

"It's just one. I could save billions..."  He sighed. "It's what everyone wanted anyway. They only sacrificed people to get to me. I don't see what's your problem you're just like them..."

"Y/n-" I left the room before he can say another word. 

"I'm doing it tomorrow night, I already decided." I walked around the hallway to Peter's room. I hesitated on knocking. I chickened out and headed to my room. My room? The room. I took one last warm shower, dried my hair was last time, drew one last time, colored one last time; one life is what cost. One. 






Yes, mine.

That one is me.







"Hey Y/n, let's play, would you rather?" My father asked as we finished watching a movie.


"Would you rather have the whole world disappear or have the one you love disappear?"

"Hmm, the whole world." I grinned.

"Would you rather have a dog or a cat?"

"Ouu! A dog, are we getting a dog right now!" 

"Hahaha, no, but in the future."

"My turn, my turn! Would you rather be bitten by a snake or spider?"

"Snake, you will see those a lot in this world." He groaned, making me laugh, "Would you rather run out of electricity or have a backup?"

"A back up duh I can't even live without my T.V." 

"I'm going to give you a tricky question; you ready?" I nodded.

"Would you rather sacrifice yourself or the world?"

"Hm, I kinda wanna see you and mom, but how if I'm not going to be around." I thought.

"Well, you still gotta answer it."

"No, I would rather find another way."

"But what if there is no other way?"


"I guess I'll leave ya thinking," He chuckled, "Well, I have to head to work. These animals have been a real pain in the butt!" He groaned as he got his stuff ready.

"When is mom coming home." I looked up at him.


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