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"Why are we gathered here?"

"It's so crowded here."

"Are they finally going to talk about the one who started all this and the daughter?"

"Are they going to kick her out from the petitions we made?"

"I'm so hungry they better hurry or better be important."

"Quiet down, please!" Steve yelled at the whole crowd. He pressed a gadget on his ear, "Can everyone hear me?" Each corner had speakers so they could hear him, and he wanted to make sure they did, "Alright, good morning, everyone. I know it's too early in the morning for this, but we have news." They began mumbling and whispering—something Y/n didn't like. "Hey, quiet down... I don't care if this is good news or bad news for some of you. All I want you to do right now is to listen and be respectful. Yesterday November 28, 2056, we lost a beautiful soul. She was pure, innocent, and smart, but most importantly, she was my friend. To others, she was a murderer, the father's daughter, the freak, and the nobody." Everyone stood quiet, "Yes, her father was the cause of all this, but she wasn't dangerous; in fact, she was really excited to meet you guys but only to be pushed away by everyone. She had no part of his sick tricks, but she was the piece we needed to bring everyone back. Did she want this to happen? Of course, not; in fact, she willingly sacrificed herself to save billions. Are we happy with her decision? Some of our staff are, and some are not. What do I think you ask?" He thought for a moment. "I'm going to be completely honest. I wish she didn't sacrifice her life because, one, she was going to die, and two, to show all of you guys that one person's life can depend on your family's existence. I bet if you knew that she would be the key to bring everyone back, how nice and respectful you guys would be to her since she will be willingly brought back by your loved ones. I am disappointed in the community we saved and embarrassed by how you guys treated her. All because of fear and anger, but little did you know that amazing girl would bring billions and die miserably, not because of her life she had to endure but because of how she was treated. She could have died happy, maybe make a few friends when she got here, but that wasn't the case... As you heard, we are bringing back billions of people little by little. There are still dangers outside that still need to be established. The maximum of being in this facility is about eight more months. Please bear with us. Oh, and these petitions you guys gave me." He held them up and ripped them into little pieces, "She is gone now; stop bringing me this nonsense. Thank you." Steve stepped down the stage and walked out of the room.

"You did well; I thought you were going to curse them out," Tony said, his arms crossed, leaning on a wall.

"Well, I was going to, but it's not like it matters anymore..." 

"Let's get a few drinks and bring the Kid; he is hella miserable..."





~3 years later~

"Peter, how is that machine running?" Mr. Stark asked.

"Almost there. Do you need help fixing the suit?

"No, I got it. You work on your thing. Hey, I have to go. I have a date with Pepper."

"Good luck Mr. Stark," I waved at him, not bothering looking at him.

"Luck, Kid, I am Luck," I chuckled as he got his keys ready, "When are you planning to make a move, huh, kid?"

"I just don't think I'm ready." I smiled at him. He sighed

"Well, whatever, good luck, and if anything goes wrong with the machine, let me know."

"You got it."

Mr. Stark created a tower called the Avengers Tower, and we started making hero suits since bandits got some powerful equipment and are scattered everyone, so it's our job to keep Queens safe. 

"Hey, Pete, where is Tony?" Steve walked in.

"Went on a date." 

"Ugh, I forgot; well, tell him I left a note on his desk and tell him to read it as soon as possible."

"You got it."

"I'm going to head down now. Good job, Peter." He ruffled my hair.

Steve headed down to the elevator into the basement. He needed to grab that shield just in case if it was required as well as the hammer. With a ting, the elevator doors opened, and the lights turned on. He spotted it but had to move some boxes before getting towards it. He pushed a box, and something rolled off it, hitting a glass. He picked up the round ball and looked up, seeing Y/n's chamber. He frowned and stood up from the ground, looking at her body. Eyes closed, hair flowing, the water probably glowing baby blue. He placed everything back and grabbed the shield heading back to the elevator.

"Hey, I have the shield." Steve grinned.

"Where is my hammer?" Thor asked

"Ugh, I'll go get it..."





There laid a lifeless body floating in the chamber. No sign of a heartbeat...

Her eyes flutter open...

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