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As her sobs became whimpers as they turned to sniffles. She was already sleeping soundlessly. I wiped the remaining tears from her face. I looked at her sleeping face, and two words came up to my head. Protect and love. I couldn't lose her again. She was too innocent for this world half of the time; she didn't even understand the situation. She isn't a murderer but an angel; she surprised me back there. I didn't think she would have the strength to kill someone back there; of course, I wouldn't tell her that because that would only make her miserable. I can't let this world corrupt her. I won't let it. I kissed her forehead gently, making her come closer to me. She is warm. Sadly my little cuddle session was coming to an end. I had to cook food. What should I make her this time don't want to make it too obvious. I thought back to my cabinet. I was managed to steal rice from their truck, but there were too many people around there. They have pretty good supplies, but I was able to gather a few things. I was able to steal some spaghetti and meatballs, Dole Tropical Fruits, Roast Beef, Baked Beans, and some Nutella. Lots of can foods. 

I decided to warm up the food for Y/n to eat later while she slept the sadness away. 

I fed Teacup and took her outside to use the bathroom, luckily, so we didn't have to worry much about her. Going back inside the apartment, when I opened the apartment door, I see Y/n sitting on the sofa with a blanket covering her. I smiled and closed the door, Teacup running up to her. Y/n carried her in her arms while I grabbed plates for me to serve. I passed her the plate, and she gave a quiet thank you. I sat across from her, and we began eating. It was quiet at first, but I decided to break the silence. "How are you feeling?" She gave a weak shrug as she added more food into her mouth. "I was able to manage to download movies on my computer; maybe we can watch one later?" I asked, hopefully agreeing with it; with a nod, a felt satisfied. Progress and patience are key. What should I bring up next? Her clean bat is not a good topic to bring up. Cuddles? Star Wars? Books? My sixth sense? Not the right time. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Me? Oh yeah! Just a few scratches and a busted lip not big."

"Did I come too late?"

"No, just in time." I smiled, "Plus, I look cool with these, don't you think?" I grinned. I got her to smile and nod. Progress! 

I sat on the floor, leaning towards the sofa she was lying on. Teacup was asleep next to me. Y/n picked a Disney movie, which I didn't mind; who doesn't love Disney movies. It was getting dark soon, and there wasn't much to do other than sleep or watch movies. 

But I was going to make the best of it while I had Y/n.

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