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My body felt really heavy, this room is too hot, I had a stuffy nose, and I was not too fond of it; groaning, I removed the blanket from my body and rolled myself out of bed. Literally, I landed in a thud. I held my head as it pounced every 3 seconds. A door was swung open to reveal a scared-looking Peter.  "Are you okay!?" he rushed towards him, I didn't want him near me, but it's not like I can move. He helped me sit up while I felt his cold hand hit my forehead. I leaned more towards his hand. "You're burning up Y/n good thing I still kept some medicine. Stay here." He got up from the floor, leaving me alone in the room; while he did that, I looked around his room with lots of books, a small flyer about an Academic Decathlon, some Legos Star Wars related. Feeling dizzy looking around, I decided to lay on the cool ground, feeling the floor's pleasant sensation. 

"You're going to get even sicker." I heard a gentle voice. I ignored him and continue to snuggle closer to my knees, slowly closing my eyes. "Take these pills first; it will make you feel better." I heard the wooden floor creak indicating he was crouching down. "Please take them." He begged, making me feel bad. I sat up and saw him holding a water bottle and a pill with a napkin in another hand. I took the pill and placed it in my mouth; not thinking about the medicine, I quickly drank the water. I could never swallow pills, but I happened to get used to it since this whole disaster occurred. "Sleep on my bed you're body is going to hurt if you sleep on the floor." He smiled.

"I never told you my name..."

"Oh well, um, you kinda mumbled a name in your dream, so I thought that might be your name. I guess right, huh." He looked panicked. I slowly climbed to his bed and snuggled to the blankets; he was facing me and scooted closer to me. He placed his elbows on his knees, palms supporting his head. "You don't know who I am?" He asked again. I shook my head and closed my eyes, not wanting to talk to a stranger. I heard him sigh and leave the room. 

I want to go back home...

After a few minutes of crying, I managed to tire myself out; crying myself to sleep would always help me sleep faster, although this was the first time in a year.

Peter, no, it doesn't ring a bell.


I woke up to the smell of chicken soup; opening my eyes, I see Peter sitting on the floor back against his desk while reading a book. I looked up at the warm plate that was placed on the desk. I heard my stomach growl making Peter look up from his book. I felt my face redden and covered myself with the blanket. "You haven't eaten, have you?" He chuckled. I peek out, and he was already holding the plate that was on the desk. What time is it anyway? I slid down to the floor next to Peter; It must be nighttime. I'll go back first thing in the morning. "Here you go!" I gently took the plate from his hands; looking at the soup made my mouth water. "I only have plastic spoons. Sorry about that." I grabbed it and mumbled thank you' before eating the delicious soup.

After finish the soup, I tried getting up only to be stopped by him. "I got it; you don't have to get up if you're unwell." He grabs my plate and heads out towards the kitchen. I stood there dozing off, wondering what time I should leave and what's the safest route now? I could go back to the highway, but then again, they saw me pass by there. Maybe they are gone? What if they aren't and waiting for more people to travel? Go around? "So what brings you here?" I snapped out of my thoughts while Peter sat down in front of me. I inspected him closely, dirty jeans with a black t-shirt, hands were rough, his face a little muddy, and wavy messed up hair; I stopped staring and looked at my hands, dirty but soft hands. "You still don't seem to talk much, huh." He gave me a warm smile. I looked away from him, causing him to frown. "How are you feeling? Did you eat well?" I nodded. "Do you want some water?" I shook my head. "Are you planning to go back home in the morning?" I was amazed at the sudden guess. I nodded, which made him sigh. "That's not a good idea..." I stared at him, "There might be dangerous people out there trying to kill people. I feel like you're safe here." 

"I will just go around or be more careful, but I'm not staying here." 

"Y/n I get it you want to go home, but it's not safe out there, especially when you're not in your state you're still ill you have to gather enough energy just in case if we need to get out of here."

"I'm not going with you..." I whispered

"I know you don't know me very well, but I promise to protect you, didn't I? I don't want you getting hurt." He pleaded.  

" I don't care how nice you are or how much you are willing to risk for me, but I'm not staying with you, and my answer won't change. I'm sorry..."

"Fine, I guess I won't stop you." He looked dejected. He stood up and left the room, closing the door behind him. I guess I'm going tonight. Thank you.

But I'm sorry...

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