She-Ra and the future (Squad)

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Post-Season 5...maybe a year later?


A voice, desperate and panicking, screamed in her left ear, breaking the silence of the mission. Adora immediately put her finger to the earpiece, converting all her concentration away from the task at hand to Bow's voice. Her feline girlfriend beside her, Catra,  tensed up and did the same, listening to her own earpiece. The both of them exchanged worried looks on their faces. This was not good news.

"Bow? What's happening" Adora was too worried to care if talking would give their position away, Bow's voice told her the situation was highly urgent.
"You need to get back to Brightmoon, right now!" Bow shouted. There was a screaming wind combined with some static coming from his side which made it difficult to hear him clearly, but they managed.
"We're coming, hang in there."  Catra and Adora gave a nod to each other and took off for their individual rides. As soon as they where able to, they called for their magical animals, jumped on, and raced down to their home: Bright Moon.
On the way there, Catra wondered why Glimmer - the magical queen with the ability to teleport - was unable to come and fetch them. Even if Catra wasn't too fond of the teleportation, she would've done it if it was an emergency. The Queen had their co-ordinates, so it wasn't like they were invisible. Dammit, she better be okay.
They all better be, she thought.
They traveled in silence with nothing but determination.

It was almost a minute before they saw it. The lightning. The disturbance came from the ground and this threw them off, so they didn't understand what they had seen at first. It blazed across the sky so suddenly and without warning they first thought it was flashes from blasts or a battle raging - an invasion of some sort perhaps- but it was not. When the lightning struck again, they saw it for what it was. Angry, pink lightning.

When they arrived at Brightmoon, they jumped off their steeds (telling them to find cover as they did so) and made their way to the center of the disturbance. It struck from a swirling ball energy in the garden of the Castle, and it now struck out in all directions, almost as if it was clawing at the world, trying to drag it in. The angry purple/pink lightning attacked the ground everywhere as the force of the wind it exerted became so much for them that the two had to take shelter as they drew within a few 100 meters from of it.
"What's going on!?" Catra shouted over to Adora, utterly confused. "Has this ever happened before!?" The bright light and the bellowing wind were becoming almost too much for them. While it was worth nothing that Etheria had been covered in dark lighting and horrible winds before, this was different.
"No! This is definitely new!" Adora shouted back "But we have to get closer!" and with that she began moving closer to the garden, one foot hold at a time, slightly struggling without her She-ra form.
"Do we really though..." Catra grumbled to herself as she followed.

The lightning became even worse as they drew closer. The gale-force wind coming from it became so much that they had to kneel and dig into the ground just to keep their balance. More than once the lightning struck within a hands-reach from them, scorching the royal ground.
As they came into the garden, while also making sure people were okay on the way, they got a better view of the ball of pink and purple energy. It was big enough to fit a person inside of it, in fact a little bigger, and spun like top going in a clockwise direction. Catra and Adora managed to spot Bow on the other side of the Garden, the one guarding the entrance to the palace.

"Could someone tell me what's going on, please!" Catra shouted into her earpiece and then immediately stabbed her claws back into the ground so she didn't fly back. She also screwed her eyes shut to protect herself from the endless debris that was hitting them.
"I have no idea!" Bow appeared to be looking at something his pad. Fortunately he had tied himself to an arrow that was stuck in the ground, so he could afford to not use his hand for grip. "This ball of energy appeared out of nowhere and suddenly it exploded with lightning a few seconds later! We called you as soon as it happened!"
"I don't think that's lightning!" Glimmer spoke up, "I think its some kind of magic-ah!" Glimmer lost her footing for a second, but Bow helped her steady herself again. She planted her staff into ground even further this time. "Although I don't want to say that for certain, because it definitely doesn't feel like magic."
Then, without warning, the energy emitted by the ball intensified astronomically. They tried to hold on to something as the energy coming from the ball reached the climax of its surge.

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