Christmas special 1

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//Alright so I'm kinda gonna go into detail near the end about something... but not THAT something, they're kids, I mean... but how Y/n and Rob kiss, okay? some detail...//

A few months had passed since that fateful day and Christmas was descending upon Elmore. Y/n didn't really like Christmas much anymore, her older experiences with other families were not really that great at all. And it seemed Christmas with the Watterson's would be the same.

"Oh, honey, could you pass me some tinsel?" Nicole asked Richard, who obliged. Everyone except Y/n was decorating. Nicole did ask her if she wanted to help, but Y/n said she was busy with precalc homework and would help later on.

In truth, Y/n had already finished her test, but she would rather sit out than join with the family festivities. Over the few months she'd been with the Watterson's, they had been very welcoming and kind. Well... except one.

"Gumball, honey, please leave the lights alone."

Ever since Rob and Y/n began dating, Gumball hadn't been as brotherly as he said he'd felt. He still made occasional quips about it, some of the awe he secretly had about it and some of annoyance. Nicole actually heard from Gumball that Y/n and Rob were dating and she was very understanding about it.

"Gumball, I'm going to do them- leave them alone."

There's nothing more awkward than your foster parent sitting you down for a chat about the birds and the bees...

As Y/n pondered over her homework, the tree caught on fire.

"What the- Gumball! I told you to leave the lights alone!"

Y/n went to get some whipped cream from the refrigerator since water sucks on electric fires and they didn't have a fire extinguisher.

"Oh, thank you Y/n," Nicole praised the fourteen-year-old as she squirted the whipped cream onto the fire. The tree looked even worse than the pictures shown from the year before.

Oh, yeah. I didn't tell you about her birthday- heh... it wasn't a big deal. The cake got dropped, Gumball gave her second-hand baby clothes and she spent the night on her makeshift bed (the couch), huddled with Rob watching t.v. Of course, no-one but she and Rob knew about the last part.

Anyway, she shrugged at Nicole and took the empty whipped cream can to the trash. She then yawned, stretched, and decided to go find Rob. He was always about somewhere, and it allowed her to leave the house.

She said good-bye to the family and told them she was heading out; Nicole jumped up and made sure she was tightly wrapped in a coat, scarf, and hat. Then she left.

The crisp, cool December air hit her face and she automatically shivered. The steps were icy, so she decided to jump down onto the lawn instead of risking an injury last the week before. (She slipped down the steps, hurt her back, and stayed off school... maybe she should've risked it...)

Her first instinct was to go to Rob's home- not the basement, he lived in an abandoned warehouse not far from the Watterson's house and has decked it out to his taste- and maybe drop by the store on the way to buy something.

So she did. At the store, she bought some food and drinks, not to mention candy, and paid for it with her allowance. Yes, Nicole liked her so much that she actually got an allowance when Gumball had his halved.

Then, bags in tow, she went to the abandoned warehouse and knocked on its massive doors. Then, what has become a habit of hers, she listened inside. There were some crashes, a loud curse that made her wince, then the door opened to reveal a disheveled and tired looking Rob.

"Oh- hey. Yeah, I thought it might've been you." He said, gesturing for her to enter. She went inside, immediately placed her bags down, and hugged him.

"Hey," she said into his chest. He hugged her back.

"Hey. What's up?"

He had a habit of that those days. It was like he could read her mind.

"Oh... nothing, I just..."

He raised his brow. "You just?"

She sighed. "I haven't had a proper Christmas with family since I was ten... it's all so weird..."

He pulled away from her and kept one of his arms across her shoulders. "It's cold here, let's go sit in there." He grabbed the bags in one hand (America's strongest boy award, I think it's in order here) and took them with him and Y/n.

'There' was his makeshift living room, in which he had the radiators on full blast and his couch (which he'd found at his old home, in which his dads had vacated and moved... but that's another story) had blankets strew across it since it was where he slept.

They sat down.

"I think this Chirstmas will be weird too." He said as Y/n snuggled into him. They rarely had many intimate moments since he moved from the basement, so her snuggling him still made him get color-bars... it was still fairly new to them. I mean, On Y/n's birthday, they kissed once and held hands the entire time, but that was it.

"Hm. I'm glad you're here, though," She said, looking up at him. "Maybe it won't be as weird with you."

"Yeah, maybe." He mumbled, not even concentrating on the subject anymore, it seemed. Y/n giggled and said,

"Okay. C'mere."

They both leaned in for the kiss and stayed that way for a while. It was so natural to them these days. (Alright let's do the math... they'd been together about a month or so... 6 weeks? And they kissed at least twice a week... nearly 12 times they'd kissed at this point.)

Since it was Christmas (and the furthest in their relationship they'd gone was like, a 10-second kiss...) Y/n decided to surprise him. But before I tell you how, let me just say, Y/n is older than Rob... ok anyway.

She pulled away. "I wanna try something," She said. (Okay, not like that, not even close)

"I- sure," He was flushed or 'color-bared'.

Then she put her hands behind his head and pulled him toward her to kiss him properly. It was a surprise for Rob- he hadn't known such a thing to exist... and then tongue, too? This was Christmas.

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