Going To Breakfast

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I laid in bed hoping Chris didn't think I was being rude. I really was tired and I didn't want to come across as anything else but tired. I really wasn't in the mood for a bath and I really didn't want soup. I just wanted to be alone. Sometimes I feel like I do stupid things and say stupid things in front of Chris and he just pretends to care or think it's funny. Maybe I am just over reacting. Chris loves me for who I am and he shouldn't care about my imperfections because he likes those things about me.

About thirty minutes later Chris walks in the bedroom and comes over to my side of the bed and kisses my forehead. I pretended to be asleep, but I smiled and I think he noticed. He whispers "goodnight don't let the bed bugs bite" and goes under the covers.

The next morning I didn't wake up until noon and that's because I heard Chris walking around in the kitchen. I unplug my phone that is next to me and quickly skim through Twitter. I pull down the blankets and slip on my slippers. When I sneak up to Chris in the kitchen, I put my arms around his neck. "Good morning."

"Good morning Seirra." He says smiling. He hands me a cup of coffee. "Any thoughts on food?" I ask. "Well, I was thinking something kind of small since we're going to the party tonight right?"

"Yes we're still going. Isn't there a cute restaurant down the street where we can maybe still get breakfast?"

"Yeah. So you want to go there?"

"Yeah that'd be cool I'll just need to get dressed and look a little more presentable." "You look fine right now." He tells me. "It's not socially acceptable. Especially going to a nicer type of restaurant. It's not like we're going to Walmart." "I am just giving you my honest opinion. My opinion is that you always look beautiful, but yes true we're not going to Walmart. Now we're wasting time. Go get ready."

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