Chapter: 1, Lie

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(Update: 24/06/2021 :-
If by chance you happen to got a notification about an update chapter in these days, I want to tell that I am re reading the chapters and I am editing it in the process for any leftover flaws. If I would change story I will let you know through this book. So there is no need to re read the chapters.)


It left a red mark on (Y/N)'s (Skin/tone) skin. It hurts, not the scar but the thought of everything you did to witness this day and in future you cursed this day even more, but you learned this - from 10 years of the life you had lived - that truth can't be changed.

"You are a liar (Y/N) . I hate you." You were quite .You knew it was true, you lied .You lied about who you really were. That you are a killer.

"No Lisa" , these words somehow escape from your mouth. It was more of a whisper. You can't bear your best friend's words , you wanted to prove it wrong but you can't. You wanted to tell that you did it just to keep her away from those bloody stray dogs, but-

"AGAIN, again you lie. Will you ever get tired of lying",she snapped. Her eyes were full of tears. And why not, she just got betrayed from her best friend.The friend for whom she decided 'she would never leave her side.' Now it has been a long time when she met you and you were close, but lady luck wasn't on your side. The secret, on one day, was supposed to come out, and today was the day.

"(Y/N) is correct you pity girl", a third voice was heard. The voice showed no signs of mercy. That ruthless voice would easily give you goosebumps. "She is not a pathetic killer, but a prominent councillor member of missionary."

"Yeah , the missionary that -on the name of God-are corrupting the society", Lisa said before turning towards her friend. "I can't tolerate any more (Y/N). Just forget me and enjoy your murderer's life". She was done with everything that had happened and couldn't bear anymore. With a break she continued, "And if you ever regret what you are doing, try to serve innocent, although I know you would not listen to me but it will, at least, make your life a bit better.Goodbye...."

Lisa turned to the east to get vanish in the darkness ,under cool night sky. You hoped that you will see her someday, but little did you know that day would never come. The tear which you were holding came rolling down from your cheeks. You tried not to sob, but couldn't help it."Can't be help (Y/N), but you can cry to soothe yourself". His dark orbs were showing some sympathy for the poor little one. He could not see his partner helpless so he turned to the north. "Yeah... you can stay here for some time. But make sure not to get cold". Your face was shadowed from the hat you were wearing. He couldn't make out your eyes but he knew one thing for sure, that you were, broken. You could hear his footstep slowly fading away.

"So at the last I am alone father. Why I father, why? O yeah. I forgot, you don't care. Do you?" It was after a few minutes of crying when a blast pierce through your thoughts.'The government building in the forest area, there were some experiment going on'. It was in the direction where Youno just went. You jerked up to head towards it, leaving your hat behind, on the ground. The hat was left alone, alone to be flown ny winds.

"Be alive! I am coming".You ran as fast as you could. You couldn't leave his side after what he did for you. No matter how harsh he was. He was the one person you ever liked in the missionary.


"You useless worm , it seems you have a death wish", said a guy who had cornered you at the dark alley of Yokohama. You were scared, you indeed, had an ability but you were scared to use it. Moreover you couldn't manipulate it yet ,and you didn't knew much about it. The man's eye got widen and then he coughed blood. He was crying in agony as his pain started increasing when the dagger was pushed at his back, even futher. Within a minute the person was lying dead in front of you.
"You were just going to harm such a beautiful young angel, shame on you, you heartless old brat." You were frightened at the sight. But, somehow, you managed not to yell. The guy who just saved you seemed a bit older than you, and here, he held a hand out for you. You simply shook your head.
"It's all right, little one. I will not harm you" said the guy. After getting no reaction out of you he continued, "My name is Youno. What's yours?". After few seconds you replied shortly, "It's (Y/N)." "And little miss what urge you to believe me now?", he asked while chuckling. Before you could say anything, he stretched himself up, as he had bent a little to reach your height.
"Don't worry, I see, you need help. How about if I would take you with me, then I can teach you everything even self defense? Hmm?", he asked.
After that day of a innocent child of 7, now you were a strong and smart girl of 10.

You ran while hoping that Youno is fine. When you reached at a point a bit far  from the building, which by now was collapsed, your (E/C) eyes widened from the scene in front of you. For the first thought you assume that the-now-ruin building was set on fire. But as you focused more carefully you saw that purple flames were dancing everywhere. The scene was terrifying. But the most horrific thing was the wild creature, which you were unable to make up. It was looking as if it burning everything around it. You could not stand any longer in the stormy flames, which were as if they will take you with them. So you decided to stay behind a big piece of rock, which you assume once was a big wall. In the purple storm you could see a yellowish light just like a single ray of light in the heavy storm. As soon as it was over you started investigating the place. The image in front of you filled you with even more terror.
There were dead bodies lying everywhere far and near to the ruin. 'So that strange fire didn't burned them', you thought to yourself. But there was something even stranger. There were the dead bodies of the members of missionary, and some little children. 'They were using these little kids to fulfill their greed. Missionaries were also involved in this experiment'.
The thought of it killed you alive. Those dogs didn't matter much to you, but Youno, too, did such a thing?
All of a sudden you noticed someone from across the dead bodies was trying to sit upright. Unconsciously your body reacted to it, not listening to your brain.
"Youno what happened?"
Hello everyone! I am glad if you read it till here. And that song tell how lonely/useless you were feeling so I added it .I have just started writing so I know it is not that good but I promise I will try my best. Don't forget to tell me your opinion about it. Thank you!

Angel of Underworld( Bungou stray dogs x reader) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now