Chapter 3, The Deal

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"Did we disturbed you, Angel of underworld ", said the aged man in front of you. The man had violet eyes and grey hair. He was holding a cigarette in his hand. "Hirotsu Ruyorõ , the commander of the most violent squad of port mafia, which I heard is standing on the edge of the cliff of being ruin." You said while rubbing your eyes, only to show them your casualty.
"Anyone can assume that why you are called angel of underworld. Whatever, I am instructed to take you to Mafia HQ, as what I was told, you would take these words in account if we would ask you."
A grin covered your face, "So showing me as if you want to get over with words, where actually you just wanna make sure that no missionary is on my side. Isn't it." Hirotsu was still like a lamp post, you continued before he could say anything. "For your ease, no, there is no one here except me. And yeah I would pay a visit to your boss as you are asking. But what urge you not to burst inside and overpower me." You asked with a surprised expression as you saw the old man looking straight into the (E/C) eyes of yours. He sighed and answered your question, "As I told you 'we were instructed ', moreover there was a good chance that you would expect to join Mafia if we would consider it a deal. Isn't it."
Now was his turn to say that and you could do nothing but nod to his statement. After that you took a glimpse of the cottage and mentally said goodbye to the ginger as you knew it was the best you can do to profit yourself as well as him.
You were sat in one of their black car. They keep checking on you in case you would change your mind and run. Through your drive, you didn't remove your gaze which were finding something in the city which was all closed at this hour. It was raining, it seemed as if sky was crying with you. You had now travelled for an hour or so and were standing in front of three tall skyscrapers, or the HQ.
You were led to a room through dark corridors. For some reason this room was isolated from other quarters. You could not stop wondering while thinking that why you were led to a quater. When you entered the room you saw a large mahogany bed. You mentally praised the furnishings. On that that bed you noticed another old man. You wondered if port mafia is full of Obaa-sans, if so, you would be bored soon. The man called Hirotsu bowed in front of the old man. You bet that there was no respect but formality in this.
"I've brought the girl you asked for", said Hirotsu. The old man then signs you to come closer to him.
"You know what, you are such an obscure person that we don't even know what you are called other then your title." You got that it is his way to ask your name.
"Oh I didn't knew that I am really famous, well it's (Y/N) (L/N). Call me (Y/N) if you please. And I was really wondering what kind of a deal you want to set?" You said while coming straight to the point.
"Well I want you to become one of the member of Port Mafia, initially an executive ."
"I see that was why you were cautious huh ,well.... why wouldn't you overpower me instead of asking."
"I am not a fan of fussing around when my health isn't walking with me", he said simply to assure you that he wouldn't ( though he couldn't) harm you."By the way can you tell me something about your ability?".
"I too, don't know much about it. What I know is just that it can build an impregnable barrier and I can control people's mind resulting to manipulate their physical movement. But in a limited area." You answered truthfully.
"So shall I approve you as an executive?", he asked more gently than before.
"But what about the deal?", you asked to the man with evil hidden inside his odd-looking grin.
"And I mistaken you as a child. Well yeah, what do you want inreturn to take the responsibility of an executive." You smirked at that as now was the time you were gonna get what you were desiring for.

You came out from the doors of HQ. A shiver ran down your spine when you were exposed to the cool air of pre-winters. It was cold just like yourself. You giggled at the thought of it. How strange? You thought you will be able to get back to Lisa, but you still had a lot of work to do, a lot of duties to be fulfilled. Oh! this life was full of stress and duties. You sighed as you remembered that a new chapter of your life has started and from now onwards you would not let anyone manipulate you. You promised that now the game would be in (Y/N)'s hand.
"Are you ok miss?", you took a glimpse of the person who called you from above your shoulder, and then returned your gaze to the stars.
When you felt the person still standing there, you answered, " Nothing, just searching for Moon". The person beside you chuckled a bit before he continued, "But miss today is New Moon day".
A soft but small smile covered your face as you said after a while still gazing at the stars, "Still you are standing here?".
"Yeah because I was hoping for an answer", he said with a big grin still plastered on his face.
"In simple words I mean, I am searching for the light in darkness", you said with a sad smile. He narrowed his eyes while proceeding for what you just said. After a short while he replied, "so you are dense, and.....polite. May I know if you are a gifted?",he asked with a eager tone. It seemed like he was hoping for something really special.
"Yes", you replied without elaborating it any more. The young teen seemed displeased with the answer. Now you turned towards him, and noticed his features. He had brunette hair and chocolate eyes, which you liked but what you noticed in them was what mattered to you; that they looked so sad and lonely. Those eyes were of someone who seems, no longer human. He sighed, as he was gonna open his mouth to say something but before he could, a voice called him. "Dazai, what you are doing here". It was a man who had white laboratory coat with raven hairs. "Oh did you made a friend here".
He simply shook his head before saying," I mistaken her for someone else. But she too is nice" with a pause he continued, " just like her".
"Oh", was what he said. You didn't like the fact that the man was too rude with this child as the brunette seems, like, now he was gonna burst into cry. But..... he didn't.
"You must be Mori Ougai, the underworld doctor. Who trade his treatment for information ",you said. Pure hostility could be seen into your eyes.
"Oh I see, you know me very well, I assume. By the way, here I am the doctor for the boss of  Port Mafia. And the boy here is the one I rescued from the mouth of death."
The brunette gave him a death glare which he responded with a even wider grin, evil grin. " So", he turned towards you before he continued,"take care for the time being, but we will meet soon.....".
You turned your gaze from the male to the kid. And waved a bye to the brunette which he returned with a soft smile.
You turned to the exit of the HQ and let your thoughts wander.
"That old man think he is good at chess, but I think he is gonna get a check mate from both of us", a smirk found it's place on your face while thinking that. You didn't knew where to go for tonight ,so, you decided to search for a moderate hotel and stay there for tonight.
The streets of Yokohama were silent at the cool night. Everyone were retired to their beds to fell into deep sleep and sweet dreams.
Finally you found a good hotel. After coming out from the warm shower you collapsed onto your bed. You started planning for tomorrow as from tomorrow you would be a Mafia Executive. "I wonder what that ginger would be doing right now". And before you could know you fell asleep.
Yippee 1469 words! I hope you would like it and don't forget to tell me your opinion about it. And yeah if you like it you are free to leave your votes for it.😋

Angel of Underworld( Bungou stray dogs x reader) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now