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Logan went to the bathroom 10 minutes ago,
where is she?

I walked over to Tyler who was still dancing with Nash. Tapping her on the shoulder, "Uh, I don't mean to interrupt, but could you go check on Logan? She's been in the bathroom for awhile", I ask her. "Of course", she saids to me, we both follow her to the bathroom.

Ty goes first, then Nash flys into the bathroom. I just figured she probably threw up. I'm not really good with vomit, so I decided to stay back a little. The longer I stood there I got this gut feeling to go into the bathroom.

That's when I seen Tyler with Logan at the sink, her panties were to her ankles, vomit was in the sink, and on her dress. I seen Nash on top of someone, so I decided to walk in.


Everything went black.

This mother fucker is going to die.

I would of killed him if Nash, and the girls weren't in the room.

I would of slit his throat, and as he was slowly dying, I would of pissed on him.

Is this my fault? I did threaten him.

We have to get her to the hospital.

Walking out of the bathroom Hank finally speaks up.

Did this fucker really just threaten me with his family is in the law force? You have no idea who you're dealing with.

I carry her to the car, setting her in the passenger seat, and then other two sit in the back. The closest hospital is 15 minutes away. I do 20 above the speeds limit, swerving in and out of cars.

I look over and see that Logan's eyes are closed, "Logan, are you still with me?", she rolls her head in my direction moaning. I was happy she was still conscious, but I knew it wouldn't be for long.

I finally get to the hospital, pulling up to the emergency entrance. I jumped out of my truck, and ran over to the passenger side. Tyler, and Nash got out as well, standing next to me while I try to get Logan into my arms. Some black haired nurse comes out, "Whats going on with her", she says out of breath. Before I could processes what she just asked me, Ty spoke up, "She was raped, at a night club, by someone we all know. However he said if we try to press chargers nothing would happen since his family is associated with the law". The nurse eyes widen, "Well DNA doesn't lie. Let's get her inside so we can start a rape kit on her", she motions us to follow her.

She directs us into a room, and I lay Logan down. Her eyes are open, and she starts to cry. "It's okay my love, we are at the hospital", I stroke her hair. "I don't think I'm drunk anymore", she says looking at me, and then finding Tyler's eyes from cross the room. I know people can sober up fast, but I'm not sure if Logan is.

Before the best friends could talk the same nurse comes in, "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself before, I'm nurse Edith", she says in a sweet force. "Logan Scott", Logan speaks up. Edith smiles at her, "We need to preform the rape kit on you. I know you're a little intoxicated, but I'll explain everything to you", turning her direction to the three of us, "Now what is your relations between Logan?". I speak first, "I'm Niko Riggs. I'm her boyfriend", she turns to Tyler, "I'm Tyler Harrison. I'm her best friend", she looks at Nash who is right next to ty, "I'm Nash Riggs. Nikos brother, Tyler's boyfriend. I just met Logan today". I was a little taken back by Nash saying that Tyler was his girlfriend, but he probably did it so there wasn't so much confusion.

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