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I cant believe that I just saw Logan's half naked body, shes fucking gorgeous.

Did she notice I was hard for her?

She did say she was a virgin, but she knew most things? It's so confusing but such a turn on. How can someone look like her and not have any sexual experience? I truly do want to get to know her and not just fuck her like I did with the trash back in New York. Some of those hook ups could have ended a lot worse if I didn't have a say.

I hope Emma didn't talk to Logan about my past. I want to be the one that tells her if and when it comes up, but until then i'm not saying shit.

I want to ask Logan to dinner tonight, but I'm not sure if she is going to reject me.

I'm trying to listen to her and file everything she is saying into my brian, but I can't stop looking at her.

She turns around and says, "Niko are you still with me?".

"Yes, I'm sorry. Just trying to take in all the beauty of this office" I say as I wink at her. I'm about to ask her when lunch is when her father walks up to her.

"Hey Logie, I didn't know if you got a chance to look at the schedule, but we only have a half of a day. It's already 11am, and the last one canceled. Niko and you are free to go. I have to go meet your mom to pick up your brother. Ask Ty to take you home. Cya later kid" Ike says leaning down to kiss Logan's head.

Thats a cute nickname; Logie.

"Okay dad, cya later" she says back with a smile. I can tell that they have a good relationship. "How old is your brother" I ask her. "He's 12, but going on 25" she says while letting out a small giggle.

"Well you heard the man you are free to go, I have to go find Ty to see if she can take me home" she says jogging down the hallway. As I'm left alone in the hallway I catch myself hoping that Ty has already left for the day. I head back to my office to grab my keys off the desk, as I run into Emma.

"Hey Niko" she says softly, touching my arm. "Hey Em, whats up?" I say as I let her hand rest on my arm. "I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch or something since we have a half day" she says smiling up at me.

No, I don't want to do anything with her.

"I'm sorry Em, but I was going to try to do something around my apartment" I say as I step around her to head into my office. Turning around to face me, "Oh okay. Did you want any company" she nervously questions.

The only company I want is Logan's.

"Uh, no that's okay. Thanks for offering" I say as I sit down in my chair. "Hey Ni..." Logan stops mid sentence, stopping at the doorway to see Emma in my office.

"Hey Emma! I feel like I didn't see you all day" Logan says as she turns to face Emma with a little smile.

"I've been here" Emma says coldly, but tries to cover it up with a little giggle.

"Could you possibly give me a ride home? My dad left already to pick up Andy, and Ty is already gone" Logan says to Emma.

"Sorry girl, I can't. I already made plans" Emma says with a little bit of a pouty face.

How did she make plans that fast when she just asked me to do something? I think she can tell that I like Logan.

"Oh. Okay. Well Niko can you take me home please?" Logan says facing me. I turned to look at Emma and I saw that her eyebrows were raised. Immediately I say "Yes" with a smile toward Logan. Logan smiles at me.

"Well Logan you only live about 10 minutes away. I can drop you off, I'm heading that way anyways" Emma says, turning to Logan. I know exactly what Emma is trying to do, keep me all to herself. I'm not even hers to keep, never have been, never will. "But you just said that you had plans?" Logan says question Emma's response.

"It's okay Emma. I can take Logan home, follow through with your plans" I say smiling at Emma.

She is pissed, I can see if on her face.

"Okay then" she says harshly, turning around almost hitting Logan to walk out of the door. I get off the chair, grab my keys, and look at Logan. "Let's do this" I say as I walk past her. I could hear her let out a little chuckle. "Go out first. I have to lock up" she says as she heads to the back of the office. I do as I'm told. I head for the truck, when I see that someone is standing next to it.


What the fuck could she possible want now?

She sees me approaching the truck, and her lips turn into a side grin. "I know exactly what you're trying to do. She doesn't deserve to get caught up with someone like you. I know you give off this good guy vibe, but you aren't. All you do is fuck with women. Shes 20 years old, she cant even fucking drink with you! What makes you want to give her the time of day? Shes a virgin so good luck trying to fuck her! She'll end up like Sabrina, and Bree. Is that what you want? I'm good for you. I accept you for who you are. Your past means nothing to me. I just don't know when you are going to see that. I'm tired of holding in your secrets. If you dont leave her alone, I will tell her everything. Oh and did she tell you that she has a boyfriend. I have no problem telling Hank what's going on" Emma says slightly yelling, but trying to remain calm.

I knew this bitch was crazy, but I didn't know she was like this.

"Emma, you need to stop this. We are supposed to be friends, not having this shit. You will not tell her anything" I say through my teeth. "Now get the fuck out of here" I say a little louder than I intended too. Emma's eyes focus on something behind me. Turning around I see the confusion on Logan's face. "Uh, I'm sorry, but I'm ready to go" Logan states.

Unlocking the door, she climbs in. Emma has slowly moved across the parking lot. I get in, and start the truck. "I didn't know you knew Emma" Logan says as she buckles her seat belt. "Yeah I met her when she was in New York" I say telling her the truth, but not the whole truth.

"Have you fucked her?" Logan asks, taking me by surprise.

"Yes. I have. Sex with her is awful" I say turning to face her.

"Oh. Go to the end of the street and make a left" she says as she looks out the window. I do as I'm told. Continuing to go straight, since she has not instructed me to take any more turns. It's been about 8 minutes of silence.

"You're going to make the first right after this stop sign, and then my house is the 5th one on the right" she says looking at the floor. I hope that I didn't upset her. I want to be honest with her.

I see a house on a little hill, and a long ass drive way. I pull onto the driveway and follow it all the way up. Stopping the car, she unbuckles her seat belt. "You can come in if you want, no one is home right now" Logan says with a little smile. She gets out, and I follow her to the big yellow door that's in the front.

Niko likes Logan, but Emma is trying to ruin it..

What do you think happens in the next chapter?!

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