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I wonder if Emma is going to be in a mood today.

I often thought if taking this job was a good idea, and it's not because I don't like Dr Scott. It has a lot to do with Emma. She knows my past despite only knowing her for 8 months. She's a great friend, but I truly don't see anything more than her being that. I know it's my fault and something that I should have stopped in the beginning, but she is a broken girl who needs attention.

I was just the dumb fuck to give her the attention.

Since she knows my past I don't want her to use it against me, so I'm going to try my best to be nice to her. She can either make me or break me in this town.

I decided to wear a black shirt, with khaki pants. I was never into the whole scrub thing. I had to make sure that I got a shirt long enough to cover my tattoos, to be "professional". I'm  going to get take out for lunch, so no need to look in the fridge to see if anything is in there to eat.

I grab my keys and head for the door, double checking if I locked the door behind me. It's a beautiful day outside. Unlocking the truck's door, I climb in the drive side. Instantly I feel like I can't breathe from the heat in this truck. I hit the "down" button for all the windows to open. Letting in the same breeze that is coming through.

It takes me about 20 minutes to get to the office. Seems like I'm the only one here right now. Technically we dont start till 8, but I didn't want to be late. That would have given Dr Scott the wrong impression of me. Ike didn't give me a key yet, which he plans on doing today. I see Emma's car pull up; Blue Jeep Wrangler. She waves to me, I wave back.

Then I see another car fly into the parking lot; Black Mazda. The girl turns the car off, and lays her head back in the seat, thinking she is going to catch a quick cat nap.

A minivan comes into the parking lot taking the last spot on the left. It's a woman, but she looks a little older than the other ladies that are here.

It's almost 8, and Ike still isn't here yet. Maybe it wouldn't have mattered if I showed up late. It's 805 when I see a red suburban pull into the parking lot. That must be the man himself. It looks like someone is in the passenger seat next to him, but I can't be for sure. He takes the first parking space on the right. Both doors open. I see a smoking hot girl get out. She's pulling on her dress, and her tits are spilling out of her top.

Who the fuck is that?

I can't seem to breathe right, and my vision starts to blur. I've been with many women, but none have looked like her. She has long red hair that is curled at the end. Thick thighs that belong around my neck. This unknown girl looks younger than Emma. I stopped fucking with young girls when I had that incident with Sabrina. She's probably about 5'0, which means her head would lay perfectly on my chest. I notice everyone else getting out. I can't get out right now, as I tug on my pants trying to free them from the pressure in between my legs. Getting myself together, I finally got out.

The girl has disappeared into the office, along with everyone else. Ike stayed outside to greet me. "Goodmorning Niko. I hope you're ready for a hard day's work" he says, slapping me on the back. "Thank you again for allowing me to be your associate" I say smiling at Ike returning the slap on the back. We walk through the door.

This office is beautiful, better than my dads even. How can a man have so much money yet his office look like shit? Oh yeah, it's called addiction. I can tell that Ike is proud of his hard work & dedication. "Logan will give you a tour in just a little bit. I would have had Emma give you the tour but she has patients. I know it's hard when you don't know anyone in a new town. You won't actually be working on patients today. Today is all about getting you familiar with everything here" Scott says looking at me with a small smile.

Was Logan the girl that came with him, or is he talking about a guy?

"We always have coffee and donuts in the morning. You are more than welcome to go get some. Break room is down the hall to the left. I have to get ready to start seeing patients. Logan will find you wherever you are" Ike says as he turns on his heels and heads to his office. I could eat something, especially a donut. I begin walking down the hall toward the break room. As im about to approach the doorway, I hear 2 voices inside of the lunch room.

"Logan did you see your dad's associate?" said the random girl.

Oh no, dad?

"Haha no. I just got here" says the other girl in the room. I'm assuming that is Logan. I had all those thoughts about my boss's daughter, I definitely can't act on my feelings now. I step into the doorway, seeing both of the girls. I can instantly feel the sexual tension in the room between the red haired babe and me. Now that I can truly see her face, she is gorgeous. Her eyes are hazel, she has freckles all over her face and down her chest. Her nose is a little too big for her face, but she makes it work. Logan is busty in the chest, and her hips are nicely curved. I can tell from under her dress that she has a little bit of a stomach.

She isn't the type I normally go for.

I enjoy small girls with blonde hair. Come to think of it, I haven't been with a thick girl before. I wonder if she would let me do the things to her, that no one else let me do. "Nice to meet you Logan'' I say as I put my hand in front of her chest. I can see that her breathing has changed. You did the exact same thing to me this morning too.

"Hi. You must be my dad's new associate" Logan says smiling and grabbing my hand. I like the way her hand feels clasped in mine. "Indeed  I am. I'm Niko. Don't call me Dr Riggs, and don't even think about calling me Dr Niko'' I say as I laugh, winking at her and dropping her hand. I hear a soft whimper slip away from her lips, but she quickly covers it up with a cough. I notice that the other girl isn't in the room anymore. I head over to the table with the donuts. I get a chocolate one, glaze  are too sticky, and the power makes too much of a mess.

I can feel Logan's eyes on me, so I look up and smile at her.

Niko feels the same way! What will Logan do next? Find out in the next chapter 😁

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