Chapter 9

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"So uh, Sans," Leo says.  "We have a situation."

"situation?" Sans asks, sipping on a goblet of ketchup with Piper nearby staring at him intently.

"Yeah, it's kinda serious," Annabeth says.  "So uh, a fellow camp of demigods is coming by later today after lunch.  We're not completely sure on how they'll react to your, uh, presence."

"what should i do about it?" Sans asks, setting his goblet of ketchup down on the table.

"You don't mind locking yourself in Bunker 9 for the rest of the day?" Leo asks.  "It's best that they don't find out about your existence.  Plus, if they start attacking and you fight back, you might hurt some of their campers and uh, we'll either have to attempt to kill you so we don't look like traitors to our own kind or possibly get ourselves involved in a war with this other camp.  So, our best choice is to lock you in Bunker 9."

"heh, i don't mind," Sans says.  "this other camp, does it have a name?"

"Yes, Camp Jupiter," Frank says.  "It's managed by 2 praetors, which is what we call the leader of our camp, who of which are me and Reyna."

"you run a camp?" Sans asks.  "you definitely don't look like you do."

"Just cuz I look relaxed doesn't mean I don't run the thing," Frank says, folding his arms.

"that's not what i meant," Sans says.  "you seem a bit young to be running a camp."

"Reyna's also 16," Frank says.  "Our camp has been run by youngsters since it existed."

"how's it still standing then?" Sans asks, jokingly.

Frank just scoffs at him, punching him in the shoulder.

Annabeth, meanwhile, is sitting back in her chair, hand holding her chin.

"Wise Girl, something wrong?" Percy asks, worried.

"I think we forgot something," Annabeth says.

"About what?" Frank asks, slightly worried.

"Hey, where is everybody?" Piper asks, looking around the suddenly empty mess hall.

"People usually don't leave the mess hall after lunch," Percy says.  "Did something happen?"

"Camp Jupiter has arrived!" somebody shouts from somewhere pretty far away.

"Yeah, that's what I missed," Annabeth says, facepalming.  "I forgot to factor in the fact that they might be here early."

"Yeah, Sans, off to Bunker 9 you go," Leo says.  "No poking your head out until we call you, got it?"

"sure thing bud," Sans says.  "wait, you guys got any ketchup?"

"No, you'll have to go through the whole day without ketchup," Leo says with faux sorrow.  "Oh, what a shame it is.  Now shoo."

Sans disappears in light blue sparks.  The 7 demigods of the prophecy get up and start walking to the camp boundaries where the other campers have gathered.  The 7 walk up to meet with Reyna and the group of purple t-shirt-clad demigods behind her."

"Ah, Praetor Frank Zhang!" Reyna greets.  "How nice it is to see you !"

"You too, Praetor Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano!" Frank greets, with an equally chirpy and loud tone of voice.

"Call me by my full name again and I will bash your head in!" Reyna says.

"I dare you to try!" Frank says.

"Reyna!" Piper greets, giving her a hug.  "How have you been?"

"I've been great so far," Reyna says, smiling.  "Still sane after spending so much time with that birdbrain of a boyfriend of yours?"

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