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"They're all the same! A vampire is a vampire Sam!" Dean yelled before pacing the gravel parking lot. He believed it all until that night, dealing with Lenore. Sam had managed to change his mind, but that didn't mean all vampires were like Lenore and her nest.

"You good?" Dean was pulled from his thoughts, glancing to Sam as he drove.

"Yeah, just thinking is all. Thinking about how many nests of vampires exist or just how much evil we are up against constantly. We're always out numbered." He hissed the words before looking at the vacancy light flashing down the street. "Let's stop for the night. I'm tired."

"Yeah." He could see Sam still watching him out of the corner of his eyes even as they pulled down the road. Another crap motel, this one sitting just outside of the redwood forest in California. At least this one had a bar right beside it for Dean to escape the room for a few. He parked, taking the keys from the ignition before climbing out of the car.

"I could use a beer after we check in, how about you?" Sam nodded, following him to the motel check in as he dug out a random credit card.

"One king or two queens boys?" A older man asked, not even raising his eyes.

"Two queens please." Dean sat the card on the counter, the man grumbled, sitting down his magazine and swiping the card before tearing off the receipt and sitting a pen beside it.

"Sign this and here is the key." He grabbed one from under the desk, tossing it on the counter as Dean signed the receipt. He grabbed the key, glancing at the number and chuckling slightly as he tossed it to Sam.

"Lucky number 13." Dean mumbled as they walked back outside and to the room. Sam shoved the key in the lock and let them in, tossing their bags down, both falling on their beds and sighing. "Beer?" Sam and Dean both sat up, Dean grabbed the keys and they made their way over to the bar. It was run down like the rest of them, a few locals in their regular spots. One could tell just by the way the leather in the seat was so well broken in from use.

Dean sat down at the bar, Sam ordering the two beers as he surveyed the area. Two older men, nearly mirroring the man at the motel desk. A few biker styled people, gambling in the corner. Then there was her. Blonde hair, leather jacket, her eyes examining the glass of whiskey in front of her, a paper beside her. She glanced up at him, blue hues examining his own before she raised her fingers in a wave. He shivered and waved back before she looked back down at her glass.

"Really Dean? I would have gotten two rooms if I knew you were plotting that."

"I'm not, she just caught me staring Sam." He chuckled before taking a swig of his beer. Sam was looking at the local newspaper left by the last patron.

"Says here, man was found with his throat cut open in the town library."

"Well, some people just hate books that much."

"Dean, the guy didn't work there. He worked as a mortician in the town." Dean shrugged, taking another swig of his beer.

"What's the point? Where are you sensing supernatural in any of that." Sam grumbled and sat down the newspaper, pointing to the article.

"The wife died just last week."

"Now we're talking. We'll go questioning the town tomorrow. Everything is closed." He tapped the bar, motioning to his beer for the bartender to grab another. She brought it over before he stood, smirking at Sam as he rolled his eyes. Dean wandered over to the blonde, she had black slacks on, a red blouse under her leather jacket. Her feet were up on the seat next to her, red bottomed shoes hugging her feet. She glanced at him as he approached, motioning to the seat where her feet were.

"Is this taken?"

"It depends. What do you have to offer me?" She smirked, moving one of her legs, but leaving the other.

"I hold a mean conversation about literally anything. Women tell me how funny I am daily." She chuckled and moved the other leg before taking a sip of her drink.

"Usually when women tell you that, they're lying. What's your name?"

"Dean and yours?"

"Nicole." He sat down, taking a swig of of beer and glancing to the newspaper beside her, a red pen had circled the very article Sam was just reviewing.

"Nicole? What's so interesting about that story?" She laughed slightly, sitting back and grabbing the paper.

"I have a feeling it's the same interest your brother and you have in it. The man didn't die by the hands of a human. I'm thinking angry spirit associated with the family. Classic family drama." She shrugged before downing her glass and motioning to the bartender. "Two more please. Hope you drink whiskey...Dean." She smirked as the glasses were placed before them. He finished off his beer, sitting the glass closer to the bartender's edge.

"I never turn down a drink especially from a pretty lady. So you're a hunter?"

"You could say that. A friend of mine told me that the supernatural population was getting out of control. I knew I had to help. However, I more so specializing in hunting demons." She trailed off, looking back at her glass, she narrowed her hues for a moment just looking at it. "Have you sensed an increase in well.... demon population?" She looked to him, he could see concern written all over her face. Her brows were pulled together, a frown crossing her lips, it looked as if she was thinking all the while questioning him.

"Yeah, you could say that." Dean looked away from her and to his own glass, taking a swig. "This friend of yours, how did they learn about the supernatural?"

"He's a professional at it to say the least. Then I too became highly involved. Nothing is as dangerous as the demons. This is just another dead end to my hunt, but can't pass up an easy case." she sighed before downing her drink.

"My brother and I are heading into town tomorrow. I'd say you could tag along, see if there is any trace of what you're looking for in town."

"I appreciate that." She laughed slightly before tossing down the money for the drinks even as he protested. "I'll see you in the morning Dean." Nicole pressed a kiss to his cheek before walking out of the bar. He didn't realize he was still staring at the door, a shiver running down his spine.

"What was that?" Sam slid into the chair beside him.

"A professional hunter. A demonic hunter." Dean smirked looking at his brother. Maybe she was the key to finding dad. "I say we splash some holy water on her tomorrow."

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