i. chapter five

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The group made their way back up the hill quickly, soon meeting a victorious camaro- well, camaro turned alien. Alien turned camaro?

Either way, they were facing Bumblebee- and now that they had a chance to see him face to face, the two girls couldn't keep from smiling.

"Let's start out this way." Sam interrupted, facing the two, "Who are you guys?"

Mikayla blinked, and the two seemed to speak to each other with a single look. The brunette turned to the two and gave a mischievous smirk.

"We don't exist." she started, which seemed to be the exact opposite of what Em wanted her to say because she was soon hit in the shoulder- quite harshly, might she add.

Her face contorted into one of mock hurt & confusion as she waited for the apology that never came.

"I'm Emerson," her friend greeted, and Mikayla snorted slightly at her formal tone. This was definitely not the girl she had gotten to know. The blonde gave her a quick glare and Mikayla raised her arms in surrender before turning back to the duo.

"Well, I'm Mikayla," she winked, pointing finger guns at her name-twin. "With a 'y.'"

The other brunette nodded, raising an eye. Then, she looked at the elephant in the room- both literally and figuratively, with a questioning look. "-And who're you supposed to be?"

"XM satellite radio.." Bumblebee started, whirring slightly. "Digital cable brings you.. columbia broadcasting system."

"So, that's it?" Sam asked, stepping forwards, "You talk through the radio?"

Bee clapped and pointed at the young teen, "Thank you, you're beautiful.. you're wonderful, you're wonderful."

"Why are you here?" Mikaela asked, and the two girls stepped off to the side to let the pair have their moment- even if both of them just wanted to shout out the answers and be done with it.

"Message from Starfleet, Captain.." he started, pointing up at the sky, "-throughout the inanimate vastness of space.. angels will rain down like visitors from heaven! Hallelujah!"

"So you're an alien?"

The mech nodded, before transforming and opening his door. "Any more questions you want to ask?"

Immediately the two girls started walking up the hill to greet Bumblebee, thanking him profusely for saving their lives.

As Mikayla shuffled into the back seat, she overheard the line that made her smile.

"Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at your life, don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?"


"Why, if he's supposed to be, like, this super-advanced robot, does he transform back into this piece-of-crap Camaro?"

The two girls had been watching Sam attempt to flirt with Mikaela for the past hour or so, each attempt getting worse and worse- until he pulled the seatbelt thing.

Emerson was completely fine with not wearing a seatbelt- this was Bumblebee, after all, he would never let anyone get hurt. At least, no one he liked. But apparently that was not the case at the moment, as his tires came to a screeching halt.

"Oh hell naw" was heard from the speakers as the doors opened- signalling for the teenagers to get out. Emerson sighed, sorta wanting to be there when everything changed, but respected his wishes anyways.

The four stood awkwardly on the side of the road, watching as their companion drove away. The two girls focused their attention on the end of the tunnel as the other pair squabbled with one another, trying to spot the 2006 camaro from a distance.

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