Chapter 16: Let Us Introduce Ourselves...

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Player POV
I saw Sus come back a little beat up. I felt bad for her. I dunno what happened, but she obviously got into some sort of fight.

QueenOfSus: Hey yall! I'm gonna leave this server for a while.
Veteran: Why?
QueenOfSus: Well, I just have to...My friends need me.
Player: I guess that's reasonable. What about Icebreaker?
QueenOfSus: Well, hes sealed away in hell for the time being.
Player: I see. Well, I wish you luck on your journey.
QueenOfSus: Thanks. I will return one day.
Veteran: Bye Sus!

She waved and left. Just as she did 2 people just spawned in. But it was more unusual, they came from a portal or something. Because they fell face first onto the floor.

PlayerAngel joined the game
BeanieBoi joined the game

One of them had my name. I was curious...How did they find us? One of them screamed in pain.

PlayerAngel: Owww! God damn it. Where am I?

It was a female! The other one I think was a male...I'm not sure.

Player: Hello. You ok?
PlayerAngel: I-Im fine. Your Player right?
Player: Yeah. I am.
BeanieBoi: Ow. How did I get here?
Player: You two just came out of nowhere. Our friend just left and you two spawned in.

I leneded a hand to female me. She had a little bit of blue hair, the rest of it was a light brown. BeanieBoi had Black hair and green eyes. He looked like a mix of me and Mr. Cheese...

PlayerAngel: Thanks, but, why are we here? There has to be a reason...
Player: I dunno, but yall are here. Wanna stick around and play with us?
PlayerAngel: Sure! What about you Beanie?
BeanieBoi: Sure I'll stick around!
The Gentleman: Well who are these to charming specimens?
PlayerAngel: I'm PlayerAngel, but you can just call me Angel.
BeanieBoi: I'm BeanieBoi, you can call me whatever, I don't really care.
The Gentleman: Its nice to meet you two! I am The Gentleman, and this is my partner, Mr. Cheese.

I felt bad for Mr. Cheese, since BeanieBoi was orange, he had to change to pink...But for some odd reason me and Angel were both red. It was odd, but I didn't really care.

Captain: Get ready everyone! Time to start the game!

The game was loading, I was impostor with Angel and Beanie. I didn't realize we had 3 impostors. We all went to Navigation.

PlayerAngel: Ok, we are all here for some reason...But it doesn't make sense. What's so special about us 3 that made us come from our dimensions, into Players?
BeanieBoi: I dunno...Its strange.
Player: Well, maybe the fact we all wear the same hat.
PlayerAngel: Oh my god I just noticed...Maybe we were meant to come together! I mean, I could understand why I would meet Player, hes basically a male version of me!
Player: Yeah...
BeanieBoi: Well, what should we call ourselves? Like as a trio...
PlayerAngel: Hmm...

We all thought for a little until I came up with a name.

Player: How about Beanie Trio?
BeanieBoi: Its simple, but I like it!
PlayerAngel: Yeah!

That's all for now, the next chapter will come out later. I luv yall UwU

-Angel ♡

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