She's Not Gone

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~Adam's POV~

{the next day}

"Hey, Alesa!" I called.

"Yeah?" she asked from the kitchen.

"The house sold," I replied in shock. There was a moment of silence.

"What house?" Alesa questioned, in confusion.

"The Team Crafted house," I explained.

"Oh," Alesa said. "I didn't know they put it up for sale."

"Neither did I," I told her. "Until I got an email from the real estate company about 'my successful sale.' I guess I was still on the owner's list."

"That would be the only reasonable explanation," Alesa agreed. "Anyways, why does this come as a surprise?"

"Alesa, not to be rude, but put two and two together. The house sold. Team Crafted sold it! Meaning they don't live there anymore. Meaning they split up," I explained.

"Why is this so surprising? It was bound to happen," Alesa added.


"Congratulations!" I heard a voice from the door. Alesa had gone to answer it, and I could recognize the voice all the way from the kitchen; Brielle!

"Thank you?" Alesa sounded confused.

"It must be exciting to have twins," Brielle continued, "or at least be expecting them."

I joined in the conversation by walking to Alesa's side.

"It's a big responsibility," I said, "but as far as I'm concerned, I can't wait."

"How is everything going? I feel like I haven't talked to you two in so long," Brielle asked.

"Oh, it's good. How are you?" Alesa asked, just trying to be polite, I'm guessing.

"Fabulous," Brielle replied with a smile.

"Do you want to come in for lunch? We have hamburgers, if you want one," Alesa offered.

"Oh, no thank you. I'm a vegetarian," Brielle explained. "I'll just swing by when you're done?"

"Don't be ridiculous," I laughed. "We can get you something else."

"Well, if that's okay," Brielle blushed. "I don't want to be trouble."

"No trouble at all," Alesa smiled. Apparently, she had finally warmed up to Brielle.


{after Brielle leaves}

"So when were you planning to tell us you were having twins?" a voice split through the silence of the living room.

"Huh?" It was Hannah, and Winta was standing beside her.

"I can't believe I had to find out the gender of my own siblings by watching a YouTube video!" Hannah pouted.

"Yeah," Winta agreed.

"We were planning on telling you any minute now," I explained. "We got home late last night, and Brielle just left now. She's been over for a while. We haven't had time."

"Sure," Hannah said, drawing out the word to make us feel guilty.

"I swear," I promised. "Besides, why am I trying to gain your trust about this? You could've just came and asked us."

"We thought you would come tell us," Hannah defended herself.

"Yeah," Winta agreed.

"Is that all you're going to say in this whole conversation? 'Yeah?'" I asked.

"Yeah," Winta laughed at herself.

"Hm," I sighed, turning my focus back to Hannah. "You know now. It's not that big of a deal, is it? I'm sorry for not telling you as soon as we found out."

"Okay," Hannah said. "It's okay."

"Good," I ended the conversation.


"Daddy!" My son, four-year-old Tyler, tugs on my pant leg. I pull him up into my arms, and give him a big hug. He fights to get back to the floor, so I carefully drop him to his feet.

"We're back!" Alesa arrives from the front door, with Heather following shortly behind her.

"How was the birthday party?" I ask.

"Fun," Heather replies, saying her favorite word with a smile.

"It was great," Alesa says, as Heather and Tyler begin a game of tag in the living room. "All the parents talked while the kids were running around in the park. Heather even made it across the monkey bars by herself!"

"Wow," I respond, proud of my daughter. She always tries to master the monkey bars, but we always need to help her at the park.

"Today was exhausting," Winta exclaims, walking through the garage door as it slams shut behind her. Winta has been through two years at the local college, in hopes of soon becoming a teacher for middle school. She still has a ways to go, but is picking up information quickly.

Something is missing from this family, however. Hannah.

Have I really forgotten her?

"Alesa, where's Hannah?"

"Huh? Hannah?" Alesa acts as if the name doesn't ring a bell.

"Yes, Hannah. Adopted daughter?"

"I thought we wouldn't discuss her in front of the kids," Alesa shoots daggers at me with her eyes.


"We won't discuss her! Hannah is gone, Adam! She ran away years ago! Stop acting like you don't remember! Enough!" Alesa loses it. She runs a shaking hand through her now-long hair.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"I know, honey. But it's important to move on. Hannah's gone," Alesa whimpers. "It was her choice to leave. We should respect it."



I woke up with a jolt. I realized with relief that it was all a dream. Hannah's here, in the other room. She's not gone. She's not gone.

But I'm afraid it all wasn't just a dream. A glimpse into the future? Impossible, yes, but it all felt so real.

I don't want to risk losing anyone in my life again, let alone Hannah.

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