Pumpkin Pi

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~Nicole's POV~

{Halloween afternoon}

"What are you even being for Halloween, anyways?" Kyle questioned. "You haven't shown me your costume yet."

"You never asked to see it," I shrugged. "Besides, I wasn't done making it yet. Now I am. Here, I'll go get it."

I ran up to my room, threw open the door to my closet, and grabbed my costume off its hanger. I rushed down the steps, and presented it to Kyle.

"What... is it?" he asked, tilting his head to see it at a different angle.

"Pumpkin pi!" I exclaimed, pointing out the pi symbol I had drawn with Sharpie on the bright orange t-shirt.

"Ohhh," came Kyle's response.

"Get it? 'Cause pi is a-" I started, but Kyle interrupted me.

"Yeah, I got it," he said with a short laugh.

"Do you like it?" I asked hopefully. "I mean, I thought it was a little nerdy at first, but I-"

"I love it," Kyle approved. "I bet you have the best costume in your whole grade."

I sighed.

"Well, that's the thing," I frowned, trying not to sound too disappointed. I didn't want to be any more of a baby than I already felt. "I was really excited about going trick-or-treating, but when I asked some friends at lunch what they were going as, they said Halloween was for babies."

"Who cares what they think?" Kyle scoffed. "You can go trick-or-treating all you want. What's better than free food?"

"I care what they think," I replied, ignoring the second half of his statement. "They're my friends. I just wish they thought differently about Halloween, that's all. It's my favorite holiday, so I wanted them to come with me."

"It doesn't matter if they think being twelve is too old to go trick-or-treating," Kyle announced, "because I'm sixteen, and I'm gonna go with you."

"Really?" I couldn't help but smile at his offer.

"Heck yeah!" he exclaimed. "That'll shut them up."

"Thanks, Kyle," I blushed out of happiness. I gave him a quick hug, and ran to my room to get dressed.

I threw on a dark green, long-sleeved shirt underneath the pi t-shirt since it would be colder later, and clipped the orange and black hair extensions into my hair. I threw on the white tutu that I had dyed orange and green, and pulled on some plain white socks after quickly adding black leggings to the look. I ran downstairs, grabbed my black boots from the closet, and threw them on over my socks. My outfit was complete.

I felt a little better knowing that Kyle was going to dress up for me, but I was still worried that I might accidentally go to a friend's house. I hadn't met with them outside of school, so I had no clue how close to them I lived.

There was a knock on the front door. Expecting younger trick-or-treaters getting out early, I brought the bowl of Twix with me to answer, but to my surprise, there weren't any trick-or-treaters. It was Hannah, but she was barely recognizable. Why?

She was dressed up as a piece of candy corn. Orange lipstick, a white, orange and yellow-striped sweater, orange skater skirt, and yellow leggings. She was wearing her beat-up white Converse, too. The costume was a little less obvious than my pumpkin look, but it was obvious that she wasn't dressed for an everyday-look.

"Hi," I said.

"Aw, you look adorable! I love your costume," she gushed.

"Thanks," I blushed. "Come on in."

She entered the front hall, and wiped the mud off her shoes, and onto the towel we had set up by the door.

"I didn't know you had a costume for tonight," I continued.

"Of course! I love Halloween," Hannah said, like it was obvious. "Just wait 'til you see what Kyle's wearing."

As if on cue, Kyle ran down the stairs. My jaw dropped. His outfit was identical to Hannah's, except the sweater was a t-shirt, and the skirt and leggings was a pair of white jeans.

"Oh my gosh," I gasped. "You guys planned your outfits together?"

"Yup," Kyle smiled innocently. "Here. I got pillowcases to put our candy in." He threw one bag at me, and one at Hannah.

They linked arms, and I followed them out the front door, yelling to let Tyler know where we were going as I shut the door behind us.

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