In this sequel to the fan favorite Nine Boy's...Then There's me, we follow Nina once again. This time we follow her in the most dangerous endeavor of her life. Her rise to the Throne of Wolves. The road to that seat of power won't be so easy, but at least there are those willing to help her. Though they do so secretly, they would follow her to their last breathe. When Nina comes out and reveals herself to all the Alphas of the world, many take up arms to rise against her. All wolves everywhere take a side. Half with her and half against her. Brother against brother. A way to start her time being known how Nina never wished to happen. Can she help her people and end the blood shed, or will it cost her the life of all whom she loves and herself? Only destiny has the answer. The epic story of how those hidden try to make a difference when they become No Longer Hidden.
35 parts