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If You Love Her

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If You Love Her

❝If you two idiots
don't stop following
me around, I'm
going to kill you.❞

❝Is that the bite
talking or just

❝I guess if you keep
following me, you'll
figure that out, won't

❝I guess if you keepfollowing me, you'llfigure that out, won'tyou?❞

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GWENDOLYN BARLOW had defied death on multiple occasions, it was almost a talent of hers. But there was one night where the only Barlow child couldn't escape the claws of death and that was when the fangs of a beast clamped around her neck. At first, Gwen had just woken up in the woods alone with nothing but blood around her. But the next she was in a hospital bed with multiple doctors around her trying to save her life.

But she didn't need them to survive, the wound being quick to heal all by itself allowing Gwen to be discharged from the hospital earlier than anticipated, earning several worried glances as she quickly exited the hospital through the double doors. With weeks flying by, Gwen was perfectly fine minus the two idiots she called her best friends who wouldn't stop following her around as if she was about to explode.

Little did she know, she was.

Gwen was nothing but a ticking time bomb and Stiles and Scott were the only ones who knew this. However, they weren't the only ones that wanted to help. In came Isaac Lahey―︎a member of Derek Hale's pack―︎wanting to do everything in his power in order to help the girl that he had had his eyes on since he moved to Beacon Hills. The only problem was whether or not Gwendolyn would accept the help that was so desperately being given to her, or would she shove it all away just for a moment of silence only to explode and become something she never wanted to be?


This story contains topics such as child abuse, blood, gore, child neglect, language, as well as some other topics that may or may not trigger you! Please read at your own risk!

I own nothing! Everything involving the Teen Wolf franchise belongs to Jeff Davis as well as the film/producers! This plot belongs to the lovely -kingslayer  as does Gwendolyn! I only own Gwendolyn's involvement in the Teen Wolf show as well as her lines and any original content!


I saw this plot and I just couldn't resist! I absolutely adore Isaac Lahey and I wish he would've stayed longer in the show, but I understand why it was that he went away! Isaac Lahey is such a smol bean and I just―︎he needs more love, alright? And I've been wanting an excuse to use Kathryn Newton as a face claim because I love her so much and I think Gwendolyn and Isaac look SO GOOD together, so yeah. Here' s my poor excuse of an explanation as to why I have yet ANOTHER story up. Also, in case you were wondering what's up with the weird ass title, there's this song called "If you love her" by Forest Blakk and I really love it and the lyrics, and think it's so pretty and fits both of them.

Ahem, ANYWAYS, please comment, vote, and let me guys know what you think! Don't be a silent reader, for comments give me more motivation to update!

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