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     "CAN I ASK YOU SOMETHING?" Gwen stood in the doorway of Allison's room where the brunette was working on some homework. Allison looked up, offering the blonde a small smile as she nodded her head.

     "Sure. What's up?" She placed her homework to the side.

     Gwen entered, closing the door behind her before making her way over to the bed. She sat down on the edge of Allison's bed, pursing her lips for a moment as she tapped her fingers against her knee. "Do you have feelings for Isaac?"

     Allison stopped, eyebrows raising as her mouth opened slightly. "I―︎"

     "You can tell me." Gwen assured her. "I'd rather this be out and discussed than hidden and this be an uncomfortable household."

     Allison couldn't meet her eyes. "I don't know why. It's not that major, I swear. It's just. . . the whole butterflies in the stomach type thing. I swear I would never do that to you Gwen. You're one of my best friends, I'd never hurt you like that."

     "I know." Gwen nodded, offering her a small smile. "You know I'm gonna have to threaten you now, right?"

     She sighed. "I know."

     "If you ever try to make a move on my boyfriend, go with him somewhere without me knowing, I will probably slash your throat because sometimes the wolf inside me takes over, and when I'm upset it gets pissed. So, to keep you alive, you can be friends with him. Just don't try and kiss him or some shit."

     "Of course." Allison nodded in understanding. "To be fair, I still feel something for Scott."

     "Please, we all know that." She rolled her eyes. "He was your first love. You'll always feel something for him. Just like Isaac's my first, and I'll always feel something for him. If he likes you back, I'll step back."

     "You shouldn't have to." Allison shook her head, reaching forwards and placing a hand on her wrist. "I won't be a problem. I promise."

     "Glad that's out of the way." Gwen breathed. "Now, how the hell do you do this math homework?"


     "Up and at 'em sunshine!" Gwen called entering Allison's room and turning her light on. The brunette groaned and covered her face with her blanket. "Really? I know you hate school just as much as I do, but we still gotta go. Come on." She walked forwards and ripped the blanket from Allison's face. THe brunette opened her eyes and glared at Gwen who only smiled. "Come on. We will stop and get coffee on the way."

     "Fine." The girl huffed before forcing herself out of the bed whilst Gwen left the room so that she could get dressed. "I'll be in the car!"

     "Be there in a sec!" Allison called back.

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now