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IT KEPT REPEATING IN HER mind. The scene of her best friend dying. She had been too late in her warning. Everything hurt. She had cried so much that she couldn't anymore. She was simply numb. She had no more tears left to cry. Now she was sitting in the police station with Isaac, Lydia, and Scott. Isaac was holding her hand but she barely noticed it. Gwen felt completely and utterly numb. None of them spoke. No one knew what to even say. She wished she had been able to do more than just sit by and watch as her friend died, but she knew that she couldn't.

She remembered Argent appearing, keeping his voice calm and steady as he pressed it into their brains what it was that they were supposed to say to the police. She didn't understand how he was doing it. How he had watched his daughter die and kept all the emotion from his voice in order to tell the teenagers what needed to be said in order to keep the supernatural a secret from the world. They were all being brought in one by one.

When Gwen went in, she listened to their questions, staring blankly at the floor and barely speaking. She said what Argent had told her, repeating that it all happened so fast. It wasn't a lie. It had happened so fast. It all happened so fast. When they were free to go, Isaac and Gwen got into Argent's car, driving to his home and entering. Everything hurt to look at. Gwen couldn't even imagine what Argent was having to face.

She came to a stop, tears immediately filling her eyes. She tried not to cry. She tried so hard but when Argent had walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her she had fallen apart. She clutched onto him for dear life, sobbing into his shoulder as she lived everything once again. She forced herself to pull away, wiping away her tears as she looked up at him. She reached forward's grabbing the man's hand and giving it a small squeeze.

"It's okay to not be okay." Gwen whispered to him. She turned away, making it towards the hall and hearing the faint voices of Isaac and Argent as they spoke to one another. She stopped in front of Allison's bedroom, carefully pushing the door open and walking inside. She didn't bother turning the light on. She looked around before spotting a picture frame. Gwen made her way over to it, picking it up and walking over to the bed with it.

It was a picture of Gwen, Lydia, and Allison. All laughing in the photo. They all looked so happy. Where had it all gone wrong? She gently pressed the edge of the picture frame to her forehead, closing her eyes as she took in a shaky breath. She didn't turn her head when the bed sunk slightly beside of her, knowing who it was. Isaac wrapped his arms around her, allowing her to place her head to his chest as he placed a kiss on the top of her head. She was still hugging the picture frame when Argent appeared in the door way. Isaac looked up towards him, causing Gwen to turn to look at him.

"She was never happy until she was with you girls." Argent said, Gwen allowing him to hold the frame. "Even when she was with Scott, she was herself with you and Lydia. You were good friends."

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now