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SHE WASN'T AT ALL SURPRISED to find out the Isaac had gotten detention because of the alpha twins. So when class changes came about, a very angry and annoyed Gwen came marching through the school hallways with her jaw clenched as she searched for her boyfriend. And when she found him, he immediately met her eyes. A sigh fell from his lips as he and Scott exchanged glances one another. She didn't know that it was the twins fault, she just simply heard the word flying around school that he had beat one of the twins up.

     "Before you yell at me," Isaac started, holding up his hand just in case Gwen went to slap him. "I didn't touch Ethan." Gwen crossed her arms over her chest and cocked an eyebrow at him. "Really, I didn't! Aiden punched him and then threw Ethan to my feet so it looked like I was the one that did it."

     Gwen turned her head to look at Scott who then nodded his head. "He's telling the truth."

     Finally, the blonde sighed and nodded her head. "Alright. But if I find out you beat them up without me, I'm gonna be pissed." She chuckled when an amused smile fell on Isaac's face. "You didn't think I was mad because you supposedly kicked one of their asses, did you?"

     "Yes. Yes I did." He nodded his head. He leaned down and placed a quick kiss on her lips, making her smile widen even more. She interlaced their fingers before looking towards Scott, telling him that she would see him later before the duo walked away. She dropped Isaac off at detention, giving him a kiss on the cheek when Mr. Harris wasn't looking. She watched him enter the room before she spotted Allison in there.

After Allison had come back during the summer, the two females sat down with one another for a good hour and discussed what had taken place with Gerard, and now they were on better  terms than they had been before she left. She understood what had happened, how Gerard had manipulated her, but she also understood that Allison had been angry and upset with what had happened to her mother. And even though Isaac had yet to forgive the girl, Gwen allowed herself to just let it go.

     When she found Scott, she hooked her arm with his as the two walked down the hall. "You know, I'm glad you found someone, Gwen."

     "You're really giving me another speech about my love life?" Gwen asked with an amused smiled.

     Scott laughed. "Yes, I am. You've always been a loner, even though you were friends with Lydia, and with Stiles and I. You preferred to be alone, and then you met and Isaac and you've changed and blossomed into this amazing person. I just wanted you to know that after everything you've been put through, I'm proud of you. You're one of my best friend's, and I feel pride to know that."

      Gwen listened to his words, a smile forming as she felt tears wanting to pour. His words meant more to her than he could ever know. After everything that happened from her getting bit to the death of her father, Gwen's been through a lot. And her friends saved her from falling into the dark hole that had been so close to her grasp. She looked towards Scott and she nodded her head, her voice soft as she spoke. "You have no idea how much that means to me, Scotty. Thank you, for everything."

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now