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     "GWEN, YOU CAN'T GO TO Lydia's party tonight." Scott sternly told the girl, making her raise an eyebrow at him.

     "I'm not skipping out on my best friend's party." Gwen told him.

     "Gwen, tonight's the full moon." Scott told her. "I don't want―︎"

     "I'm at least going to stop by." Gwen argued, crossing her arms over her chest. "I already had to skip out on going over Allison's to help with Lydia because of. . . what happened. So, I can't disappoint her anymore today. I'm her best friend, I'm supposed to be there for these things."

     "Fine. But as soon as you feel something even close to being wolf related start to happen, you leave, got it?"

     Gwen rolled her eyes, but sighed, nodding her head. "Fine."

     Later that night, Gwen arrived at the party and a wide smile fell on her face as she found Lydia. The two immediately shared a hug with one another. "Happy Birthday, Lyds. Sorry for not being there earlier today."

     "Don't worry about it." Lydia said with a smile as the two pulled away. She then handed the girl a glass of red punch. "Punch?"

     Gwen smiled before taking it from her. "Don't mind if I do." She offered Lydia a small smile before walking away, taking notice of the lack of students that were there. She found Allison by the pools, offering her a small smile before the two saw Scott and Stiles exit the home, making the two girls walk up the steps towards them.

     "Uh, Jackson's not here." Allison informed the two boys.

     "Yeah, no one's here." Stiles pointed out.

     "Maybe we're just early?" Scott tried.

     "Or maybe, nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the town whackjob."

     "Stiles!" Gwen snapped with wide eyes.

     "Well, we have to do something, because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks." Allison told the group.

      "She's completely ignored Stiles for the past ten years." Scott stated, making a laugh fall from Gwen's mouth before she quickly placed a hand over her mouth upon noticing the glare Stiles gave her.

     "I prefer to think of it as me not having been on her radar yet. . ." Stiles muttered.

     "We don't owe her a party." Scott sighed.

     "What about the chance to get back to normal?" Allison looked at Scott.

     "Normal?" Scott frowned.

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now