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SHE HAD BEEN LAYING BESIDE of Isaac, having slept over at Scott's house where Isaac was currently staying. She had been sound asleep, his arm wrapped around her protectively as they both slept, only to be interrupted by the sound of Scott's panicked voice, yelling at them to wake up. The two were quick to shoot out of bed, running to Scott's room with Isaac throwing open the door.

     "Why? What's wrong?" Isaac quickly asked. Scott tossed him his second helmet.

     "It's Stiles. Get dressed."

     Gwen frowned. "What's wrong with Stiles?"

     Scott paused for a moment before looking at them. "I don't know."

     Gwen nodded. "Alright. Take me a change of clothes with you. I'll run beside you." Scott nodded before they all quickly ran down the steps, Scott suddenly dropping his helmet in order to answer his phone.

     "Hey, Stiles." This cause the other two wolves to turn and look at him.

     "Did you call him?" Stiles asked. "Did you call my dad?"

     "No. Just Isaac and Gwen. We're coming to find you. Can you figure out where you are?"

     "It's a basement." He sounded so scared it was breaking Gwen's heart. "I think. . . I think I'm in some kind of basement."

     "In a house?"

     "No. It looks bigger. Like industrial. I think there's a furnace, but it's cold. It's freezing down her. I gotta turn the. . . I gotta turn the phone off. It's going to die."

     "Wait, wait, wait. What else is there? What do you see?"

     "The phone's dying. I can't talk." He then whispered, "I have to go. Please. . ."

     "Stiles, why are you whispering?"

     "Because I think there's someone in here with me." And then, he hung up.


     They showed up at Stiles' house, quickly entering and bursting into his room only to find Lydia and Aiden already standing in his room. The two turned to look at them. "How did you know? Did he call you too?" Scott asked.

     "I heard it." Lydia answered, causing Gwen to raise her eyebrows.

     "Don't ask." Aiden sighed. "It get's more confusing when you ask."

     "Okay. Not as confusing as this." Lydia muttered. They all turned their attention to the scissors stabbed into the bed, several red strings attached to it. Gwen pursed her lips before looking to Lydia for an explanation. "He uses red for unsolved cases."

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now