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GWEN ENTERED THE HIGHSCHOOL, HER bag high on her shoulder. She ignored the stares that were thrown her way. Everyone heard of what had happened to her a few weeks prior, she could tell. She had taken a little break from school, knowing this was going to be the exact response she would receive. Everyone knew she had been found in the woods, but the report claimed she had been attacked. Which, she had. But she wasn't sure by what exactly. She walked to her locker, pulling it open and letting in a deep breath, trying to steady her nervous heart and shaky hands. She jumped when the sound of a locker closing reverberated in her ears. She winced at the loud sound, quickly grabbing her books and closing the locker door, letting out a yelp of surprise among seeing Scott and Stiles standing there.

"Jesus!" She snapped. She looked between the two, her eyes narrowing in on the werewolf with a huff. Yes, Gwendolyn did know about Scott, she found out on accident. Or rather, she slammed Stiles into a set of lockers and forced it out of him after she was attacked at the school. Though she promised to keep it a secret. The only person she really talked to anyways was Lydia and Allison.

"Are you okay?" Scott was the one to ask her. The blonde sighed, pushing her hair off of her shoulder.

"Scott, I'm fine."

"We heard what happened. Read the report and everything." Stiles tolf the girl as they quickly followed after her as she walked away.

"Have they found Lydia?" Gwen asked, trying to change the subject. The strawberry blonde had went missing a few days prior, and they had yet to find her. Gwen was fine. There was nothing wrong with her, except the occasional wince that she tried to force away from the sudden loud sounds that entered her ears. But she was hoping the two boys wouldn't notice.

"Don't change the subject. We haven't seen you in like two weeks." Stiles warned before sighing. "And no, they haven't. But as soon as they do I'll call you."

"Thanks." The girl smiled. They continued to follow close by her as she went to her first class, which she sadly shared with them.

"Is it there?" Scott whispered.

"Is what there?" Gwen snapped under her breath.

"The bite."

"Oh, we are not having this conversation right now!" Gwen told them.

"We so are!" Stiles argued. However, Gwen was quick to enter the classroom, walking up to Mr. Harris and requesting to sit beside of Danny for the day so that she wouldn't have to deal with Stiles.

"I don't blame you. I'd move too. You can move permanently if you wish." The teacher spoke, his hate for the boy clear in his words. However, Gwen just smiled at the teacher and thanked him before glaring at the two boys and taking her seat. She sat in the class, quietly taking a pop quiz until she glanced up towards Jackson, having heard the splash of blood that had landed on his paper very clearly as if it were water dripping from a recently turned off faucet.

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now