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SHE SAT THERE WITH HER head against the window, Isaac's hand tightly holding onto hers as they sat on the bus. Boyd sat in front of the couple, and Isaac continuously glanced between his friend and his girlfriend. Gwen hadn't spoken since it had taken place. And Isaac was worried about her. But he was worried that she would snap. He looked towards Boyd before he spoke.

     "Stop thinking about it, man."

     "Like you're not thinking about it too." Boyd scoffed.

     "Yeah, well, all three of us will stop thinking about it." He nudged Gwen as he brought her into the conversation, but the teenager didn't blink or acknowledge him.

     "I can't." Boyd shook his head.

     "Well, there's nothing you can do about it either."

     "You sure about that?"

Isaac didn't respond and instead turned towards Gwen. A soft sigh fell from his lips as he gently pulled the girl closer to him, allowing for her to curl into his side as he securely wrapped his arm around her, placing a kiss on the top of her head. The night prior repeated over and over through her head. The death of Derek Hale replayed over and over, the fight that commenced imprinted in her brain like a code that she had studied far too long. She found comfort in Isaac playing with her hair, something that seemed to keep both of them calm.

She listened as Coach told Jared to look at the horizon in hopes of keeping him from getting sick. She glanced up when they were suddenly stop, opening her closed eyes as she frowned. She looked up to Isaac in silent question and he paused to listen in before answering her.

     "There's a jackknifed tractor a few miles ahead. Could miss the meet." Gwen hummed in satisfaction, but there was no response from Boyd, causing the two to look towards him. "Boyd?" The could see the angered breath's falling from his chest, his eyes glowing as snarls left his lips.

     Gwen carefully sat up. "Boyd?" She watched as his claws protruded from his hands. "Boyd, don't." That's when Scott appeared beside of Boyd, placing a hand over Boyd's.

     "Let go." Boyd growled.

     "You got a plan?" Scott asked him. "Tell me your brilliant plan, and I'll let go. What are you gonna do? Kill him, right here? And then what. What are you gonna do after that?"

     "I don't care." Boyd went to shoot forwards, but Scott held him back with Isaac and Gwen leaning forwards and grabbing him by the shoulders, pinning his back against the seat.

     "I do."

     That's when Gwen noticed the blood covering Scott's side. "Whoa, whoa, Scott, you're still hurt?"

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now