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AFTER THE DEATH OF ALLISON, that had been her final straw. There was a lot of things that Gwen has experienced in Beacon Hills. She hated to say that the bad was starting to out weight the good. From the abuse that she experienced from her father to the death of her best friend, she realized that it was simply time for her to leave. Beacon Hills would always be her home no matter what. Nothing was ever going to change that. But she had to do what was best for her, and she knew that leaving was going to be her best bet.

Saying goodbye was not something that she enjoyed doing. She had always hated goodbyes. They always hurt for her to say the words. It reminded her too much of the time when her mother had whispered the words to her before dying. Goodbyes were hard for anyone, but they were especially hard for Gwendolyn Barrow. When she had been sure that Stiles was going to be okay, and that everyone else would make it without her, that's when she had decided to make the commitment to leave. And luckily, she wasn't going to be on her own.

When she had told Isaac what she was planning to do, he didn't hesitate to offer to go with her. Beacon Hills had brought him more bad than good, and he agreed that it was time for him to get out of the town. He had been thinking about it before, but the fact that Gwen was going to be at his side made him want to leave even more. He was going to stay with her if he had to, because Gwen was the love of his life and he couldn't imagine being anywhere without her. Now they got the chance to go explore the world together.

She wasn't at all surprised when Argent had told them that he was leaving too and that he would drive them wherever they needed to go. Now, Gwen stood there in her bedroom, the bedroom that Allison had so kindly allow her to stay in when she didn't have anywhere else to go. A duffle bag was placed open on the bed, filled with her things that she absolutely needed. In her hands was the picture of Allison, Lydia, and herself. She didn't want to part with it so she carefully tucked it into her back, zipping the bag up.

     "You ready?" Isaac leaned against the doorframe, causing Gwen to look at him. He stared at the blonde, remembering something Derek had said to him so long ago. If you love her, make sure she knows. She'll slip away faster than you'll realize. Isaac Lahey loved her. He was going to be there for her through her toughest times, and he never intended to change that.

     "Yeah." Gwen nodded, picking up her bag. She walked towards him, watching as he took the bag from her, placing it on his shoulder.

     "Hey," He placed a hand on her cheek, making her look up at him. "I love you, you know."

     Gwen nodded. "I know. I love you too."

     "Ready for out next adventure?"

     "As long as it doesn't involve alphas or demon ninjas." Gwen nodded, smiling a sad smile before pressing a kiss to his lips. She took the triskele box from his hands, cutting off her light. She looked at her room one last time before whispering a soft, "Goodbye, Allison" and then closing the door, resulting in the start of her brand new life with her lover by her side.


THIS HAS BEEN A long time coming. It seems like it took me eighty years just to write two seasons, but I'm so glad that I got to finish Gwen and Isaac's story. Gwen means the entire world to me. I love everything about her and I just know that she's going to be living her best life with Isaac after leaving Beacon Hills. I really hope that all of you enjoyed Gwendolyn's story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

A thank you to the lovely -kingslayer for allowing me the chance to adopt this plot and write it. I know that I made a few changes here and there but I really hope that this story lived up to your expectations. Thank you so much for trusting me with Gwen's story, I'm so glad that I got the chance to write it.

I hope you all have enjoyed If You Love Her! Please feel free to check out any of my other stories that I have posted. I hope to see you all in another story of mine! Until we meet again, lovelies! With all of my love, Rayne!

 I hope to see you all in another story of mine! Until we meet again, lovelies! With all of my love, Rayne!

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𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now