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GWEN COULDN'T RECALL WHAT HAD happened, she didn't remember what she had done. She didn't remember how she had gotten in the woods, her body void of any clothes. She blinked, curled up in a ball on the floor of the woods. She blinked once more, and suddenly a coat was being wrapped around her body. She looked up, noticing Isaac Lahey standing there with Derek Hale not far behind. Her hair was covered in leaves, matted with blood. She looked around as she looked up at Isaac, fear clear in her eyes.

    "How did I. . ." The girl swallowed. "Where. . ."

    "You're okay." Isaac assured the girl, watching as she pulled the coat closer to her body so that it fully covered her.

     "Gwendolyn, do you remember anything that happened?" Derek carefully asked the girl, kneeling down in front of her. She looked terrified. She looked so vulnerable. It almost made his heart ache for the girl.

     "The last thing I remember is being home and doing my homework." She answered. "I wanna go home. Can you―︎can you take me home?" She had fearful tears in her eyes as she looked at the older wolf. Derek Hale wasn't at all her favorite person, but right now he and Isaac were the only ones there, and she currently had no clothes and felt like it wouldn't exactly be appropriate to walk around the town naked.

Derek nodded his head before glancing up at Isaac, nodding for the boy to help her up. Isaac did as he was silently told, and Gwen clinged onto him, a shiver running through her body. She got into Derek's car, watching the scenery fly by before they made it to her house.

     She looked towards Isaac before saying, "Uh, give me a second to get some clothes, and I'll give you your coat back."

     "Keep it." He shook his head, offering her a gentle smile. "It looks better on you anyways." Gwen couldn't help but smile at the cliché line before she got out of the car and made her way towards her house. To her surprise the door was unlocked. She saw her father's car still there, and she let out a shaky breath, hoping maybe he was asleep. She pushed the door open, walking in and closing the door behind her only to turn around and let out a deafening scream. She fell to the ground as she started to sob, a hand covering her mouth. Derek and Isaac were quick to bust through the door, abruptly stopping upon seeing the mauled body laying in the floor.

Blood splattered the walls and the floors. Her father laid there, unmoving. He had slashes covering his body. Three prominent ones on his torso and two more silting his throat. Gwen couldn't move her eyes away, she only continued to sob. The two wolves didn't move for a moment, sharing a look with one another.

     "Gwen." Isaac spoke, stepping towards the girl, but she didn't acknowledge him. Isaac glanced towards the man before watching as Derek walked out of the home. Isaac knelt down to the girl who's sobs had become quiet, but her face was covered in shock. Derek came back, a pair of the girl's shirt and shorts in his hand, he handed them to her and she numbly looked down at them before taking off the jacket and quickly pulling them on.

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now