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"ARE YOU CRAZY?" SCOTT SNAPPED, walking up to Gwen who was standing at her locker. She closed it, cocking an eyebrow as she looked at the boy, utterly confused as to what the hell he was talking about.

"Probably." She nodded. "But what are you referring to?"

"You stayed with Derek that night?" Scott asked.

"Oh. . . Yeah, about that. Listen, I had no where else to stay."

"You could've stayed with Lydia, or Stiles, or me, or Allison, literally anyone but Derek Hale." Scott told the girl.

"One, you and Stiles would have bombarded me with questions, and I didn't want to snap and accidentally hurt you. Two, Lydia was just found wandering in the woods naked. She doesn't need to deal with whatever the hell is going on with me. Three, Allison? Really? I love her, but her parents are ruthless hunters. I'm positive they're curious of me and my whereabouts as well. So, that would've ended badly." Gwen explained. Scott stood there, pursing his lips as he nodded his head.

"Fair points. But still, Derek?" He asked in disbelief. "Look, Erica just told me there's possibly going to be a third. And because I won't join them, it's going to be someone else. And she said that they were planning on getting you or someone else, whom of which she won't tell me."

"And you think I'd join them?" Gwen asked him in disbelief. "What kind of friend do you think I am?"

"I'm not saying you would join them and 'betray' me or whatever, but I know that you and Isaac have been close, and I know he's with them." Scott explained as the two walked down the halls

"We have not been close." Gwen tried, frowning. Scott rose an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, your heart beat said other wise." The girl huffed, mumbling words under her breath before going a separate way from the boy who headed towards the lunch room. However, Stiles was quick to grab her arm and turn her around, heading towards the lunchroom and making his way towards Scott, quickly stepping out of the way of a seemingly frustrated Allison.

"Scott, do you see that?" Stiles questioned the boy, nodding towards the empty table. Scott and Gwen exchanged looks of confusion.

"What? It's an empty table?"

"Yeah, but whose empty table?" Stiles asked.


"Well, I guess you have your answer." Gwen mumbled, glancing towards the boy before the three were quick to exit the lunch room.

"I'm going to the ice rink, see if he's there. And, if he's not at home, you call me, got it?" Scott spoke, looking towards Stiles.

"I'll come with you." Gwen told the werewolf who nodded his head. They both stopped upon noticing Stiles' hesitancy.

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now