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LIKE THE DAY PRIOR, THE two boys were following Gwen around. All day. They wouldn't leave her alone. Every turn, they were there. At the end of classes that neither shared with her, they somehow managed to make an appearance before she had the chance to escape. But that wasn't the only thing that had been bugging her. The entire day, it's like she had a sixth sense. She could hear everything, including the chatter of a classroom that was on the other side of the school. She could smell things that she shouldn't have been able to smell, like the cafeteria food that was in the process of being cooked, even though she had been sitting outside when she smelled it. And she was getting quickly frustrated.

She stood at her locker, and as soon as she could hear the simple heartbeats of the two boys, she snapped. She slammed her locker shut and clenched her jaw, turning to face the two. They could see the anger that was screaming in her eyes. And her scent was different, that much Scott could tell. He subtly tapped Stiles' arm, almost as if to approve that he was right. The full moon took place that night, and he was worried for his friend.

Before Gwen could say something that ripped their heads off with her words, Stiles beat her to it. "Gwen, I hate to break it to you, but you're changing."

"So help me―︎Stiles I'm not starting this with you again. That's the third time today. And the tenth time this week!" Gwendolyn growled, and it almost turned animalistic. Almost.

"Come on, Gwen!" Stiles whined. "You know what's bound to take place! Especially tonight!" However, Gwen only gave him a blank look, as if to dare him to continue. But he took it as a simple look of confusion and annoyance, so he continued. "Gwen, you were bitten. The bite isn't there anymore. A full moon is coming soon. Do you comprehend?"

"I am not turning into a werewolf, Stiles!" Gwen snapped at the boy in disbelief, though making sure to keep her voice down. "And so help me god, if you two idiots don't stop following me around, I'm going to kill you."

"Is that the bite talking or just you?" Stiles quizzed.

Gwen bit the inside of her cheek, angrily. She narrowed her eyes at the boy before giving him a sarcastic smile. "I guess if you keep following me, you'll figure that out, won't you?" The hyperactive boys eyes widened. "I'm serious. If you two come near me for the rest of the day, I'll break your necks."

With that Gwen turned on her heels and walked away. Stiles watched her go before looking at Scott. "She's scary. Why did we become friends with such a terrifying person?"

Gwen walked outside, sitting on the bench and opening her book. But she couldn't focus. No matter how hard the girl tried, the words seemed to blur together making her slap the book shut in annoyance. She placed her head in her hands, cocking her head slightly at the sounds of the lockers from inside of the school slamming shut, the loud chatter filling the hallways, but the sound of the bell ringing almost made her fall off the bench.

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now