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WHILE STILES TRIED TO TALK to Lydia, Allison with Jackson, and Scott completing his test, Gwen decided to just take a breather and sit outside with her book in her hands. She hadn't been able to just sit down and read in a while, and she only had thirty minuets to do so. Even though she was supposed to be in class, like Allison, she had perfect grades and wouldn't mind skipping one class for the sake of her sanity. However, a sigh fell from her lips once she felt a presence.

"You're not giving up, are you?" Gwen asked with a sigh, pursing her lips in annoyance before bookmarking her place and looking up towards Isaac. "Why do you crave my forgiveness so desperately when you know there isn't a chance in hell I'm giving it to you any time soon."

"Full moons coming soon." He simply spoke.

"Yes, I have it marked on my calendar." She answered with a sarcastic smile.

"You remember when we used to have natural flowing conversations that weren't thick with tension?" Isaac asked.

"A very very faint memory if you ask me." Gwen mumbled. She sighed. "Isaac, look, when you stop following Derek's every goddamn order, then maybe we can talk. But until then, I'm holding a grudge against you and his entire pack for what you tried to do to my best friend. So, sorry." She stood up and started to walk away. She walked down the halls, before noticing a crowd gathered. She frowned before quickly pushing through and then taking a stand beside of Matt when she notice Allison, Jackson, Scott, Stiles, and Erica all standing there.

"What do you idiots think you're doing?" Mr. Harris snapped. "Jackson! Calm down! Mr. McCall, you wanna explain yourself?" The boy opened his mouth. "Stilinski!"

"You dropped this." Matt spoke, going to hand Scott the tablet only for Mr. Harris to take it.

"You, and you―︎actually, all of you―︎detention. Three o'clock." Mr. Harris sternly said, including both Matt and Gwen.

"Dude, I literally just got here!" Gwen spoke, looking at the teacher in disbelief. Though he didn't seem to care. She nodded as she pursed her lips. Everyone was trying to get on her nerves today it seemed.


They all sat there, Gwen being forced to sit at a table alone with Erica after Scott and Stiles were forced to be moved farther away from Jackson. They were all sitting in the library, the other table being filled with Jackson, Allison, and Matt. Gwen sat there, doing her homework with curses constantly being muttered under her breath. She had more important things to do than this.

Erica glanced away from her work to look at the girl, smirking before turning it into a gentle smile. "He does feel bad, you know?"

"That's weird, I don't remember asking you your opinion?" Gwen spoke, cocking her head slightly as she looked at the blonde before looking back towards her work.

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now