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THE GIRL STOOD UP, GROWLING at those that tried attacking her through the smoke but she was quick to knock them away from her, keeping her anger at bay as much as possible in order not to slaughter them and get more blood on her hands than she already had. She quickly found Derek in the sheriff's office, running up to him.

     "Derek?" She called out to him, though keeping her voice down so they wouldn't find them. She quickly kneeled beside of the man. "Are you alright?" He looked towards her with his eyes glowing red and immediately she nodded before the two got up and started into the building.

     "Derek, you need to leave. I have this gut feeling that they're after you." Gwen told the man. She then held up the bullet that had been lodged into her shoulder, showing the Argent symbol that was carved on it. The two walked until they stopped in the room where Melissa was locked up, Stiles' dad knocked out on the floor. Matt stood there and Derek growled at him before the Kanima appeared and went for Derek. Gwen snarled before watching as the two fought before making her way over to Melissa who was freaking out.

     "I'm getting you out of here, alright?" She calmly told the woman. But before Gwen could move any farther, the Kanima grabbed onto her throwing her backwards and into the wall. Derek was already knocked out from the creature and now Gwen's vision was blurry. But Scott was quick to step in, jabbing his claws into the creatures back and throwing him away from his mother. Derek jumped up and went for the creature and Gwen forced herself to do the same thing. The two fought against it whilst Melissa called out to Scott who slowly turned to look at her with the wolf in him showing all over his face.

     "This thing doesn't die!" Gwen snarled. However, Derek grabbed onto her as the creature went away, making her look at him but he held a hand up and pointed for her to listen, she quickly did as told, frowning when she heard Scott talking to Gerard.

     "What are you doing here? It wasn't supposed to happen like this!" Scott hissed.

     "Trust me, I'm aware of that." Gerard told the boy.

     "I've done everything that you've asked of me. I'm part of Derek's pack, I've given you all the information that you wanted, I told you Matt was controlling Jackson." Scott quickly listed off.

     "Then leave him to us. Help your friends. Leave Matt and Jackson to me. Deal with your mother." Gerard told him. "Go!" Gwen leaned against the wall, her mouth open in disbelief. She shared a look with Derek as she clenched her jaw. Now she was angry. She was really really angry.


Gwen appeared at the clinic, a shaky sigh falling from her lips. She needed to talk to Scott. The girl entered, the bell ringing before Deaton appeared, offering the girl a small smile and letting her in. She walked in, stopping in her tracks when she saw a dog laying on the table. She frowned, getting completely sidetracked as she walked over to it, listening to its panting breaths with a small frown.

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now