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SHE SAT THERE, LOOKING OUT the window at the night sky. She had promised Derek that she would only stay for one night, seeing as she would be able to go back to her house tomorrow. She looked up at the sky, a full moon no where in sight. She let out a shaky breath, wishing that she could just remember what happened. But at the same time, she was glad she couldn't remember.

     "You know, if you want, you could stay here for more than a day." She glanced up towards the voice of Derek Hale, the man carefully walking over to the blonde with his hands in his pockets. Isaac had fallen asleep, seeing as it was really late. But Gwen couldn't close her eyes without seeing her father's body laying in front of her.

     "Thanks, but I don't want to be a burden." Gwen softly spoke, keeping her voice down as to keep the sleeping boy from hearing her.

     "How are you holding up?" He took a seat beside the girl, looking at her with slight concern. Usually he could care less, but the girl was terrified of what she was. Of what she had done. And her father had been the only family she had left, and now he was gone because of her. He knew that was weighing heavy on her conscious.

     The blonde let in a shaky sigh before turning her gaze from the window and towards him once more. She gently shrugged her shoulders. "How well is one supposed to be after possibly being the one to murder their own father? Really, I'm alright. Don't worry about me."

     The older wolf looked at her for a moment before nodding and standing up. "Get some rest, Gwendolyn."

     "I'll try." She responded before watching him walk away before turning her gaze back out the window, not getting an ounce of sleep that night.


As soon as she walked through the doors, it seemed like everyone had stopped and turned to look at her. The girl froze, glancing at everyone before Lydia and Allison were quick to come to her rescue.

     "Can I help you?" Lydia asked the students. Immediately they all looked away making Gwen let out a relieved sigh. Lydia and Allison both turned to the girl.

     "I heard what happened." Allison whispered, looking at the girl with worry. "How are you?"

     "Numb. I think I'm still in shock." Gwen answered, swallowing as she nodded her head.

     "You should've called." Lydia told the girl. "I would've let you stay over."

     "No, I know that. I just. . . I needed to be alone. I was in hysterics for awhile. And I think I'm a suspect in my father's own murder." She mumbled the last part to herself, but Scott McCall had heard from down the hall. The three girls walked up the steps and over to Gwen's locker.

𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now