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WHEN THEY ARRIVED AT THE place that Lydia was supposed to be, Gwen couldn't help the shivers that danced up and down her spine. She swallowed thickly, taking Isaac's hand as he helped her out of the jeep. Something about this place screamed bad vibes and quite frankly Gwen didn't want to step anywhere near it. Allison and Kira were already there waiting for them, the gates to the place having already been opened but not by them. The group all made their way towards the two, forming a circle as they started to speak with one another.

"We've done this before guys." Scott started, looking at each of them. "A couple of weeks ago we were standing around just like this and we saved Malia, remember?" Allison nodded. "That was a total stranger. This is Lydia."

"I'm here to save someone that's like a sister to me." Gwen whispered, hands stuffed in her jacked pockets.

"I'm here to save my best friend." Allison spoke up.

"I came to save mine." Scott nodded.

"I just didn't feel like doing any homework." Isaac answered truthfully, earning a blank look from Gwen. Isaac was the one to walk through the gates first and the group followed in after him with Stiles and Scott going to find Lydia whilst the others stayed where the fight was going to be. The group of four all came to a stop when they saw Kira's mother standing there with Oni standing behind her.

"Kira, turn around and go home." Noshiko warned her daughter. "Take your friends with you."

"I can't." Kira denied as Allison loaded her bow as they kept walking closer to the woman. "When I looked at the game I realized who I was actually playing. You."

Allison lifted her bow, pulling the arrow back as she aimed it at them. "Call them off."

"You think you could take him alive?" Noshiko asked. "You think you can save him?"

"What if we can?" Kira shot back.

"I tried something like that seventy years ago. Your friend is gone."

"Are you sure? Or if Stiles doesn't have to die. Maybe Rhys didn't have to die either?" Kira walked closer to her mother. The two Oni standing behind the older woman flipped their swords in their hands, ready to fight.

Noshiko had a small smile on her face. "I see I'm not longer the Fox now, Kira. You are. But the Nogitsune is still my demon to bury." The Oni disappeared from behind her. A sudden gasp fell from Noshiko's lips. She opened her hand, watching the firefly she had been holding disappear into black smoke.


"What is that?" Isaac whispered. "What does that mean?"

"It means there's been a change in ownership." Void Stiles appeared on the steps, causing all of them to turn towards him. He stood there, hands crossed in front of him with the Oni standing right behind of him. Gwen swallowed thickly, watching with wide eyes. "Now they belong to me."

And then the fight started. Kira was fighting with her sword, the sound of metal on metal clashing against one another. Allison was using her bow, firing when she could. Isaac and Gwen were both using claws and fangs to fight against the demons. One sliced her in the stomach, spinning and slicing her on the back of the leg sending her down to her knee, not allowing her enough time to get up and rip the demon away from Isaac that was about to initiate the killing blow. That's when Allison appeared, using her bow to hold the sword back.

She quickly hit the demon with her bow, sending him spinning and away from Isaac, allowing Gwen to grab the wrist of the Oni attacking her, using her strength to kick him in the stomach and send him flying away from her. She jumped up from the ground, glancing at Isaac and watching him stand back up. Gwen was quick to jump in and help Kira who was fighting three of them at once.

Isaac snapped his head towards Noshiko. "How do we stop them?"

"You can't!"

"Do better!" Gwen growled, hissing when she was cut once more. She snapped her head towards Isaac when he got cut again. "Isaac!" She yelled his name, going to run towards him but the Oni's sword suddenly went through her shoulder blade, causing the blonde to yell out. Isaac was getting cut up badly, and tears filled her eyes at the thought of him dying. That's when suddenly Allison pulled out her last arrow, knocking it into the bow, pulling it back and sending it flying right into one of the Oni.

The arrow landed right into the Oni's heart. It stopped what it was doing, looking down at the arrow. The weapon fell from the Oni's hand, clattering to the ground. Yellow light started to flood from the demon as it tried to pull the arrow out and then suddenly an explosion shook, allowing Gwen time to rip the blade from her shoulder. She watched as the Oni exploded into a black nothingness. She had killed it. She had actually killed it.

That's when Gwen noticed the Oni appearing behind her. "Allison, watch out!" Gwen yelled but it was too late. The sword went right through her stomach, and a scream erupted from Gwen's lips. "NO!" The Oni pulled the sword out and Gwen couldn't move, tears streamed down her cheeks as she watched Scott appear, grabbing onto Allison before she could fall to the ground.

The Oni disappeared and Gwen had to force herself over to Isaac, checking on him and watching as he sat up. He knew what had just happened. He knew how much Allison had meant to her. He was quick to grab onto her before she could collapse, holding onto her as they watched the exchange between Scott and Allison.

Gwen cried, watching as Scott held onto Allison. "Allison," He whispered her name.

Allison gasped, a hand placed over the wound. "Did you find her? Is she okay? Is Lydia safe?"

"She's okay." Scott nodded, brushing the hair from her face. He grabbed her wrist, attempting to take her pain only to frown when he couldn't. "I can't. I can't take your pain."

"It's because it doesn't hurt." Allison whispered.

Scott looked at her before shaking his head. "No."

"It's okay." She weakly nodded. "It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's perfect. I'm in the arms of my first love. The first person I've ever loved. The person I'll always love. I love you." She placed a hand up to his cheek. "Scott. Scott McCall."

"Don't, please, don't. Allison don't, please."

"You have to tell my dad. And you have to tell him. Tell him." She started breathing heavily, her last breaths leaving her lips, before her hand fell to the ground, and Allison Argent was dead.

" She started breathing heavily, her last breaths leaving her lips, before her hand fell to the ground, and Allison Argent was dead

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