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"Of course this is your car." I said sliding my fingers across his red charger. "Wassup with niggas in Atlanta and wanting to drive chargers and challengers?"

He pulled out his keys to unlock the door. "What's wrong with chargers?"

"Oh nothing." I said sliding into his leather seats. "I bet it's not a-"

"Hellcat?" He said relaxing in his seat. "You think ima have a charger and let it not be a hellcat? You crazy a hell."

"Okay okay my bad." I held my hands up in surrender. "Just making sure."

"Whatchu even know about hellcats anyway."

I shrugged. "Not much. Just that hellcats is the engine typically found in Challengers, Chargers, Trackshawk's you know just the basics." I said as he finally pulled out of the school parking lot.

He side eyed me. "What nigga taught you that?"

I laughed. "Mind your business love."

"My fault." He glanced at me.

It was quiet for a few seconds before I finally said, "Soooo what you'd wanna talk about? I know you didn't offer to drive me home to talk about cars."

He shook his dead, "Nah I just wanted to check up on you. Make sure everything is right up here." He said tapping his temple twice.

It took me a minute to understand that he meant my mental. And when I finally knew what he was talking about something clicked for me.

"You are not what I expected, you know that?" I said.

He took his eyes off the road for a minute to glance at me. "What you mean?" He asked suspiciously.

"Just that you're nicer than what I thought you'd be." I told him and I meant it. The night that I met Seven I didn't really have any expectations because I didn't think I would ever see him again but when he showed up at my school I automatically thought he was going to be an asshole honestly.

But everyday, little by little he shows me exactly why he isn't. He isn't even a typical wannabe hood nigga like the rest of the boys at our school. From what I know it's just football and school for him.

"I keep tryna tell y'all I'm the coolest nigga on the planet."

I laughed. "Ight don't get to doing too much. I'm just saying... I guess I'm trying to say thank you for making sure I'm ok. A lot of people don't, but I'm glad you do."

He nodded. "Anytime," was all he said.

I sat comfortably in my seat for the rest of the ride as we listened to the radio in comfortable silence.

We pulled up to my apartment less than 5 minutes later and I gave a quick goodbye to Seven and reached for his door handle before he stopped me.


I tossed my hair over my shoulder as I looked back at him. "Yea."

"You good?" He asked me one more time.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yes, I'm fine, seriously. Matter of fact I'm about to go solve my problem right now." I said, glancing up at my apartment building.

He nodded finally as if he got his confirmation after needing to ask me just one more time.

"Are you always this pushy?" I asked

"Only with the people I care about."

"Oh." Was all I said because suddenly it started to get hot in here. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't dark skin I'd be blushing right now.

"Alright." He said. "Ima see you tomorrow."

"Yea, see you." I said snapping outside of it, and finally stepping out and shutting his car door.

"Lala!" He yelled again.

I slowly turned around. "Seven if I don't get I'm my house, my mama gone start blowing my phone up. Plus I need to take a shower, cheer practice was not kind to me today."

"I know I just wanted to ask you something real quick." He laughed lightly.

I lowered myself so I was resting my elbows on his car window. After about 5 seconds of silence I waved my hands and said, "So are you gonna ask me or..."

"Oh yea." He laughed again.

He's laughing too much. I thought.

He's nervous about something.

"I was just tryna see if-" he started before he was interrupted by somebody calling my name.

"LALA! WASSUP!" I turned my head and noticed Ray Ray walking towards us.

"Ugh." I said, rolling my eyes before looking back at Seven. "Can you ask me later, because Ray Ray over there is about to come over there and talk us to death and I don't got time."

"Yea, I'll  just ask you at school tomorrow."
He said. And if I didn't know any better I would think a flash of disappointment flickered in his eyes.

"Alright cool gotta go." I said before jogging to my building hoping Ray Ray won't catch up with me.

I made it just in time because as soon as I slammed the door Ray Ray was on the other side banging.

"Aye Lala buzz me in." He said

"Sorry I can't hear you!" I yelled. "My ears broke today."

"Damn fr? Ight then." He said finally walking away.

I rolled my eyes for what felt like the 100th time today.

He is so stupid.

I walked to the stairs and pulled out my phone to text Devyn.

ME: Phase 1 of the plan is about to commence
Dev💕: Phase 1!? I didn't know we was on phases
Dev💕: I just got initiated today can we slow down
Me: Sorry. But it has to be today
Dev💕: And what exactly is it?
Me: I'll text you when im done if im successful
Dev💕: Alaïa I don't like this...
Me: Relax babe I got this 😉

I didn't know exactly what I was going to do but I had and idea. It's not well thought out so it could definitely backfire but I just hope it works.

I reached for my door and took a deep breath before entering.

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