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"Man I don't even care if she not bad, Ima still hit her." Darius laughed and dapped up Shaun.

"You're a sick man." Haley said. "Very very sick."

He shrugged, "Aye man it is what it is."

It was early in the morning and we were sitting at our table as we do every day. Darius was talking about something misogynistic per usual but I wasn't really paying attention.

"Hey you good? You're shaking." Cairo asked me lowly.

I glanced at my hands.

Hm I guess I was... I didn't notice.

I gave him a weak smile. His question, although appreciated, caught me off guard.  "Yea I'm okay. You know just because Devyn's not here doesn't mean you have to fill in for her."

"Yes it does, it's like a job and I'm the sub." He said. "Besides who else will?" Pointing to our oblivious friends.

I gave him a genuine smile this time because little did he know I needed to hear that. I'm glad Devyn found someone like Cairo. He checks on everyone all the time and he's nice. If you knew the dudes Devyn talked to in the past then you would know how badly she needed someone nice. It's also great to have a friend like him in your corner. Especially during times like this.

"I'm serious though C, I'm fine. Just tired. I was up really late last night." I lied suddenly feeling the urge to bounce my knee.

"Alright Lala. Ima take your word for it... for now." He joked.

"I swear Cairo, now when have you ever known me to lie? Al-Also tell Devyn to text me back." I said suddenly standing up because the cafeteria started to get uncomfortably stuffy. "We have important best-friend business t-to talk about."

He shook his head. "Yea yea. I swear y'all act more in love than we do."

"We are." I winked. "I'll be back, I'm going to homeroom early... homework."

I said slowly walking away, which turned more into a speed walk with their voices fading away and was replaced with the sound of my own heart beats.

I walked out of the courtyard and into the building suddenly feeling dizzy only hearing the blood pumping in my ears. Feeling completely different than I was just a few seconds ago. Something was off.

I looked around to only be met with blinding hallway lights.

"I- I.... Need.." I tried to whisper to myself.

I gripped the wall closest to my right to hold myself up but I realized I can't really dig my nails into a wall so I was met with no support and almost tripped.

The walls seem to slowly come in and whatever was happening was getting worse.

"Hey hey Alaïa." Someone came up to me and said,  "What's going on? Talk to me."

"I can't breathe." I inhaled quickly, grabbing my chest while leaning against whoever was talking to me.

"Bathroom." They said with a hand on my lower back guiding me towards privacy. Because I forgot for a second that I was in my school's hallway... in front of everybody.

We walked into an empty bathroom thankfully and I leaned into the sink looking down at the faucet to put my focus on something and started to take a deep breath...

and another

and another

and another.

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