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    It's been only a few weeks since Seven and I had that conversation in the supply closet and it's also been a few weeks since we've talked. He's been ignoring me ever since for some odd reason. I thought he would've at least informed me something about this plan that I told him I'll help him with, but I guess that was bullshit.

   I sat at a lunch table with the girls while munching on cold school fries while squinting my eyes at Seven who sat at the next table over with the boys.

    Devyn pressed her face next to mine, "What are you doing?" she whispered yelled. "I'm trying to read Seven's mind." I said squinting harder.

She paused. "But...why?"

I huffed and dropped the fry I was about to eat. "I don't know." I whined.

"Mhmm right." She said while leaning away from me. Devyn being Devyn though, always expecting me to elaborate on something, just sat there waiting for me to continue.

I just looked at her. "I'm not talking about it right now." I said before turning back to my fries.

"Not talking about what?" Kayla popped her head between us.

"Oh my god Kayla." I jumped resting a hand on my heart. "You scared the hell outta me."

"Sorry." She said sheepishly, before walking around the table and sitting across from me conveniently blocking my view of Seven. "But I couldn't help but overhear-"

"You mean be nosey." Devyn butted in.

Kayla shrugged. "You call it nosey, I call it using the gifts god gave me." She said pointing to her ears.

I just sighed. I love Kayla but she could not hold water. The last thing I was about to sit here and talk to her about was Seven ignoring me.

"Anyways like I was saying I couldn't help but overhear the name Seven." She said as she glanced over her shoulder for a quick look at him behind her.

I faked obliviousness. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I shrugged with a smile.

She sucked her teeth. "Come on Lala I thought we were friends."

"We are friends Kayla."

"Then why did I have to hear from somebody else that y'all got caught having sex in the janitors closet." She whined.

I choked on my apple juice out of pure shock of what she just said. "You heard what?"

"Oh." She said while biting her nails, "You didn't hear that."

"No I didn't hear that." I said. I thought nobody saw us leave together. I made sure of it, to prevent shit like this from happening. But I didn't make sure nobody noticed he pulled me in...

"Fuck." I whispered. "First of all no that didn't happen so there was no reason to tell you and second of all how many people have heard this? Did you know?" I turned to Devyn and asked.

"I might've heard something..." She said lowly.

"And you didn't tell me!?" I almost screeched.

"In my defense I already knew y'all didn't have sex so I didn't want to bother you with fake rumors. Plus I keep telling people it's not true." She defended herself.

I just looked around the table and asked, "Who else heard about Me and Seven?" Whispering the last part.

"Umm one of the boys told me." Niya piped in.

"I heard this little freshman talk about in the hallway." Haley said.

"We heard it in the bathroom." The twins said.

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